Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
History of Tinure Tenure Co. Louth 60 minutes History books, Internet resources Begin with a brief overview of the area and its history. Discuss the origin of its name. Activity 1: Research and discuss the history of the area. Activity 2: Create a timeline of significant events. Activity 3: Discuss how the name of the place has changed over time. Summarize the main points of the lesson and discuss the importance of understanding the history of our own areas. Assess through participation in discussion and the accuracy of the timeline.
Notable Person from the Area 60 minutes Biographies, Internet resources Introduce the notable person from the area and their contribution to the society. Activity 1: Read and discuss the biography. Activity 2: Role-play a day in the life of the person. Activity 3: Write a letter to the person asking them about their experiences. Discuss the impact that one person can have on a community or society. Assess through participation in activities and the content of the letter.
Natural Geography of the Area 60 minutes Maps, Internet resources Discuss the natural geography of the area. Activity 1: Identify the key geographical features on a map. Activity 2: Discuss how these features might have influenced the development of the area. Activity 3: Create a poster showing the geographical features of the area. Discuss how geography influences the way we live. Assess through participation in activities and the accuracy and creativity of the poster.
Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, rulers, pencils Discuss the importance of maps and how to read them. Activity 1: Practice reading a map of the area. Activity 2: Draw a simple map of the area. Activity 3: Use a map to plan a route through the area. Discuss how maps are a useful tool for navigating and understanding our environment. Assess through participation in activities and the accuracy of the maps drawn.
Biodiversity and Protection 60 minutes Internet resources, local flora and fauna guides Discuss the concept of biodiversity and its importance. Activity 1: Identify local flora and fauna. Activity 2: Discuss threats to local biodiversity. Activity 3: Brainstorm ways to protect local biodiversity. Discuss the importance of protecting biodiversity for future generations. Assess through participation in activities and the ideas presented for biodiversity protection.
Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies Discuss how the local area can serve as inspiration for art. Activity 1: Sketch a local landmark. Activity 2: Paint a local landscape. Activity 3: Create a collage using natural materials found in the area. Discuss how art can help us express our feelings about our environment. Assess through participation in activities and the creativity and effort put into the artwork.