Welcome to Tinure

Tinure is a small but wonderful townland in County Louth, Ireland. Here's a little about its history!

Tinure may be small, but it has a big heart. It's been around for a very, very long time, even before your great, great, great grandparents were born! It's mostly farmland, which means there are lots of animals like cows and sheep that live there.

While we might not have big stories of knights or pirates in Tinure, the place is filled with tales of hardworking farmers and their families who have lived there for generations. These farms have provided food and jobs for people in and around Tinure. Imagine the fields filled with crops ready for harvest, or the bustling farmers' markets where they sell their produce.

There might not be a famous battle or a castle in Tinure's history, but the people who lived there have always been heroes in their own way. They worked hard on their farms, took care of their families, and helped their neighbours. And that's what makes the history of Tinure special.

So, you see, every place has its own unique story, even a small townland like Tinure!

  1. What is Tinure mostly made up of?
  2. Who are the heroes of Tinure according to the text?
  3. What kind of animals can you find in Tinure?
  4. Why do you think the people of Tinure are considered heroes in their own way?
  5. Imagine you are a farmer in Tinure. Write a short description of your day.

All About Tinure

Tinure is a small, fun village in the lovely county of Louth in Ireland. It's like a hidden treasure on the map! It is nestled between two towns, Monasterboice and Dunleer. Can you imagine living in a place that's like a sandwich of towns? Cool, right?

One of the most exciting things in Tinure is the "Sheep Bridge." It's not really a bridge for sheep, but a beautiful old stone bridge crossing the White River. The river is a home for many fishes and ducks, making it a fun spot for nature watching.

The village is surrounded by green fields and farms, where sheep, cows, and horses can be seen frolicking. It's really fun to spot them while passing by! In the spring and summer, the fields bloom with colourful wildflowers, like poppies and daisies.

There are no high mountains in Tinure, but the rolling countryside is just as beautiful. It's like a big, green carpet laid out just for you to play on!

In the village, you'll see pretty houses, a church, and a school. The streets are lined with lampposts, making it look like a scene from a storybook at night. So, that's Tinure for you - a tiny village with lots of charm and beauty!

  1. What are the two towns Tinure is nestled between?
  2. Describe the landscape of Tinure in your own words.
  3. Using a map, can you locate the White River and the "Sheep Bridge"?
  4. What kind of animals can be seen in the fields surrounding Tinure?
  5. Go on a virtual tour of Tinure online. Can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text? What is it?

My Family and Tinure

Hi, I'm Zane and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Tinure Co. Louth. It's really fun here because there's lots of fields and animals. My favourite animal is the sheep, they're so fluffy!

I love going on adventures with my friends. We like to go to Monasterboice. It's an old place with big stone towers and crosses. It's really old, like from the times of knights and castles!

We also have a big lake called Lake Mosney. We go there when it's sunny, but we're not allowed to swim, only the ducks can do that!

Growing up here is fun because there's so much to do. There's a cool playground near my house where I love to play. My favourite is the swing, I feel like I can fly!

So that's a little about me and my life in Tinure. I can't wait to share more of my adventures!

  1. Who is Zane's favourite animal and why?
  2. What are some of the places Zane likes to go on adventures to?
  3. Why is Zane not allowed to swim in Lake Mosney?
  4. What does Zane like about the playground near his house?
  5. How does Zane feel when he's on the swing?

The Logainm of Tinure

Tinure is a small village in County Louth, Ireland. The word 'Tinure' is an English version of the Irish name 'Tigh an Iúir', which means 'House of the Yew'. Yews are very old trees that people in Ireland have cherished for thousands of years.

Long ago, there may have been a big yew tree that was important to the people living in Tinure. They might have used it as a meeting place, or believed it to have special powers. That's why they named their village after it. Today, you may not find many yew trees in Tinure, but the name still reminds us of the past.

Names of places, like Tinure, can tell us a lot about history. They can show us what was important to the people who lived there long ago. Even though things might have changed over time, we can still learn and remember their stories through these names.

  1. What does the name 'Tinure' mean in English?
  2. What is a yew tree? Why do you think it was important to the people of Tinure?
  3. Why do you think places are named after things like trees or animals?
  4. Can you think of any other place names that might tell us about the past?
  5. Why is it important to remember the stories of the past through place names?

Slideshow - Tinure
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Tinure