Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: Introduction to Tina Turner 60 minutes Photos of Tina Turner, Map of the USA, Timeline template, Markers Introduce Tina Turner with pictures and ask if anyone knows who she is. Discuss where and when Tina Turner was born and lived. Locate her birth place on the map. Summarize key facts about Tina Turner's early life and career beginnings. Ask students to write down 3 facts they learned about Tina Turner's early life.
Lesson 2: Tina Turner's Career 60 minutes Video clips of Tina Turner performances, Audio of her songs, Speakers Play a short video clip of Tina Turner performing. Discuss her rise to fame and notable achievements in music. Summarize her major career milestones. Have students draw a picture of Tina Turner performing and write a sentence about what they think made her popular.
Lesson 3: Impact on Society and Culture 60 minutes Articles and interviews, Chart paper, Markers Discuss what impact means, ask students for examples of impactful people. Share articles and interviews about Tina's influence on music and culture. Create a chart of her contributions. Review the chart and discuss how her work influenced others. Have students write a short paragraph on how Tina Turner impacted society.
Lesson 4: Connecting Tina Turner to Our Lives 60 minutes Student journals, Pens, Discussion prompts Ask students if they know any songs by Tina Turner and if her music is played at home. Discuss how Tina Turner's music and story can be relevant to their own lives. Share personal stories. Summarize the connection between Tina Turner's story and the students' lives. Students write in their journals about how Tina Turner's story inspires them.
Lesson 5: Designing a Timeline of Tina Turner's Life 60 minutes Timeline template, Markers, Photos of key events Show an example of a timeline and explain its purpose. Students work in groups to place key events of Tina Turner's life on a timeline. Each group presents their timeline to the class. Assess timelines for accuracy and completeness.
Lesson 6: Celebrating Tina Turner 60 minutes Art supplies, Music player, Tina Turner songs Play Tina Turner's music and discuss her legacy. Students create posters celebrating her achievements and contributions. Display posters around the classroom and have a mini-gallery walk. Students present their posters and explain why they chose the elements they did.