Lesson Number Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 40 minutes Pictures of Tiger Woods, world map, timeline template Introduce Tiger Woods with pictures and ask students if they know who he is. Discuss where and when Tiger Woods was born. Locate these places on a map. Briefly highlight key moments in his early life. Summarize Tiger Woods' childhood and ask students to share one new fact they learned. Ask students to label the timeline with Tiger Woods' birth and early milestones.
2 40 minutes Videos of Tiger Woods, chart paper, markers Show a short video of Tiger Woods playing golf. Discuss what Tiger Woods is famous for and his achievements in golf. List key tournaments he has won. Summarize his achievements and ask students to share which one they found most impressive. Students will create a chart listing Tiger Woods' major achievements.
3 40 minutes Articles about Tiger Woods' charity work, poster materials Discuss what contributions to society mean. Introduce Tiger Woods' charity work. Read and discuss selected articles about his foundation and other contributions. Ask students to think about how Tiger Woods' contributions have helped others. Students create a poster highlighting Tiger Woods' contributions to society.
4 40 minutes Personal reflection worksheets, pencils Ask students to think about their own hobbies and interests. Discuss how Tiger Woods' passion for golf started at a young age and how dedication helped him succeed. Summarize the discussion and ask students to reflect on their own passions. Students fill out a worksheet connecting their interests to Tiger Woods' journey.
5 40 minutes Timeline materials, pictures, glue Review key events in Tiger Woods' life discussed in previous lessons. Students work on completing a detailed timeline of Tiger Woods' life with pictures and descriptions. Summarize the completed timelines and discuss any additional important events. Students present their timelines to the class.
6 40 minutes Reflection journals, pencils Discuss how learning about historical figures can inspire us. Ask students to write a journal entry on what they learned about Tiger Woods and how it can inspire their own lives. Share a few journal entries with the class. Collect and review the reflection journals for understanding and personal connections.