Lesson 1: Introduction to Thomas Sankara | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|-----------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|------------| | 45 minutes | Pictures of Thomas Sankara, map of Africa | Introduce Thomas Sankara as a historical figure. Discuss where and when he lived. | Show pictures of Sankara, locate Burkina Faso on the map, and talk about his early life. | Reflect on what was learned about Sankara. | Quiz on basic facts about Thomas Sankara. | Lesson 2: Contributions of Thomas Sankara | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|------------| | 60 minutes | Videos about Sankara's speeches, books | Explore the contributions of Thomas Sankara to society and culture. | Watch videos of Sankara's speeches, read excerpts from his books, and discuss his impact. | Reflect on the impact of Sankara's work. | Group discussion on Sankara's contributions. | Lesson 3: Connecting Thomas Sankara to Your Life | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|------------| | 45 minutes | Paper, colored pens, pictures of Sankara | Connect Thomas Sankara to the child’s life. | Discuss similarities and differences between Sankara's values and the children's own values. | Reflect on how Sankara's values can inspire them. | Draw a picture showing how they are inspired. | Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Thomas Sankara's Life | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|------------| | 60 minutes | Paper, markers, pictures of Sankara | Design a timeline of Thomas Sankara's life. | Create a timeline of key events in Sankara's life and discuss their significance. | Present timelines and explain their choices. | Peer assessment of timelines. | Lesson 5: Role-play: Thomas Sankara's Speeches | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|------------| | 45 minutes | Quotes from Sankara's speeches, props | Role-play Thomas Sankara's speeches. | Assign roles, act out excerpts from Sankara's speeches, and discuss their meanings. | Reflect on the importance of effective communication. | Peer evaluation of role-play performances. | Lesson 6: Art Project: Tribute to Thomas Sankara | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|------------| | 60 minutes | Art supplies, pictures of Sankara | Create an art project as a tribute to Thomas Sankara. | Discuss Sankara's legacy, brainstorm ideas for the art project, and create their pieces. | Share and explain their art projects. | Self-assessment of their art project. |