Section 1

Once upon a time, there was an advertisement for a Toyota 4x4 vehicle. The advertisement showed a line of vehicles driving off-road in a cloud of dust before joining a paved road. But the advertisement made some people upset because they thought it promoted behavior that hurts the environment.

The people who were upset complained to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), which is like a group that makes sure advertisements are fair and good. They said that the ad encouraged behavior that is bad for nature and the environment.

The ASA listened to the complaint and agreed with the people who were upset. They said that the advertisement showed using vehicles in a way that didn't care about the impact on nature and the environment. So, they said the ad could not be shown anymore.

Toyota, the company that made the ad, said that they care about the environment and are working on making hybrid and electric vehicles. But the ASA still thought the ad was not good.

A group called Adfree Cities, which is made up of people who worry about the effects of outdoor advertising, was happy with the ASA's decision. They called it a big move. However, they also want more rules to make sure ads are better for the environment.

In the end, the advertisement was banned because it didn't show responsible behavior towards the environment. It is important for companies to think about the environment when they make advertisements.

  1. Why were some people upset about the Toyota advertisement?
  2. Who did the upset people complain to?
  3. What did the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) say about the advertisement?
  4. What did Toyota say in response to the complaint?
  5. Why was the advertisement banned?

Section 2

My name is Liam and I am 8 years old. I live in a small town called Clonakilty in Ireland. Today, I want to tell you about an average day in my life where I focus on protecting the environment and responsible advertising.

In the morning, I wake up and brush my teeth with a bamboo toothbrush. It's better for the environment because it's not made of plastic. Then, I have a healthy breakfast with fresh fruits and eat them without wasting any. After that, I put on my school uniform and walk to school instead of going by car, because it helps to reduce air pollution.

During our lunch break at school, my friends and I talk about how we can protect the environment. We decide to start a club to clean up the schoolyard and plant more trees. We also make posters to promote responsible advertising and encourage people to buy eco-friendly products.

In the evening, I help my mom with the grocery shopping. We choose products that have less packaging and are made from recycled materials. I also remind my mom to bring reusable bags instead of using plastic bags. At home, I turn off the lights when I leave a room and make sure to recycle paper, plastic, and glass.

  1. Why does Liam use a bamboo toothbrush instead of a plastic one?
  2. How does Liam get to school every day?
  3. What did Liam and his friends decide to do during their lunch break?
  4. How does Liam help his mom with grocery shopping?
  5. What does Liam do at home to protect the environment?

Section 3

Good evening, everyone! Welcome to today's special news report on protecting the environment and responsible advertising. We have some exciting updates for you!

In recent times, people have become more aware of the importance of taking care of our planet. Many companies are now focusing on producing eco-friendly products and reducing their carbon footprint. This is great news for our environment!

But that's not all. There has been a rise in responsible advertising, where companies promote their products without harming the environment or misleading customers. They provide truthful information and encourage people to make sustainable choices.

  1. What is the theme of today's news report?
  2. Why is protecting the environment important?
  3. What are some ways companies are being responsible in their advertising?
  4. What does eco-friendly mean?
  5. Why should we make sustainable choices?

Section 4

In a true event that happened in Ireland, a group of primary school students took it upon themselves to protect the environment and promote responsible advertising. These students were concerned about the excessive use of plastic packaging in their school canteen, which was contributing to environmental pollution. They decided to launch a campaign to raise awareness among their fellow students, teachers, and parents.

The students created posters and presentations highlighting the negative impact of plastic packaging on the environment and suggested alternative eco-friendly options. They also reached out to local businesses and supermarkets, advocating for responsible advertising and reduced use of single-use plastics. Their efforts gained attention and support from the community, leading to positive changes in the school's canteen and local businesses.

  1. What was the main concern of the primary school students?
  2. What actions did the students take to address their concern?
  3. Who did the students try to raise awareness among?
  4. What was the outcome of their campaign?
  5. Why is responsible advertising important for protecting the environment?