Section 1

Cambridge Dictionary has chosen its word of the year for 2023, and it's "hallucinate." But what does that mean? Well, usually when someone hallucinates, they see, hear, feel, or smell something that isn't really there. It can happen because of an illness or if someone takes drugs.

But now, there's a new meaning to the word. The Cambridge Dictionary added a definition specifically for artificial intelligence or AI. AI is like a computer that can do things that seem human, like talking or writing. When AI hallucinates, it means it produces false information that isn't true.

AI hallucinations are sometimes confusing or don't make sense, but other times they can seem very believable. They can even give information that is wrong or illogical. This is important to understand because AI tools, like ChatGPT, have become popular. They can write things that seem real, but they might not always have the right facts.

Wendalyn Nichols, from the Cambridge Dictionary, reminds us that even though AI can do amazing things, we still need to use our critical thinking skills when using these tools. AI is great at finding information, but sometimes it can make mistakes if we ask it to be original.

So, it's important to remember that humans are still very important. We need to use our knowledge and expertise to make sure the information AI gives us is accurate. AI hallucinations have already caused problems, like when a law firm used ChatGPT for research and ended up with made-up cases in court.

In conclusion, AI hallucinations happen when computers produce false information. While AI can be helpful, we must be careful and use our own thinking skills to make sure the information it gives us is correct. Humans are still very important in making sure AI is reliable and doesn't make mistakes.

  1. What does it mean to hallucinate?
  2. What is the new meaning of "hallucinate" according to the Cambridge Dictionary?
  3. Why is it important to be careful when using AI tools like ChatGPT?
  4. Why are humans still important when using AI?
  5. Give an example of a problem caused by AI hallucinations.

Section 2

Hi, my name is Aoife and I am 8 years old. I live in a small town called Cork in Ireland. Today, I want to tell you about my average day and how artificial intelligence makes it even more amazing!

In the morning, I wake up and my AI assistant, named Alex, helps me get ready for school. Alex tells me the weather outside and picks out the perfect outfit for me. It's like having a personal stylist! On the way to school, I use my tablet to do my homework with the help of AI-powered learning apps. It makes learning so much fun!

During lunchtime, I use a special AI robot called RoboChef to make my favorite sandwich. It's super cool because it knows exactly what toppings I like and makes it just right. In the afternoon, I have a coding class where we learn to create our own AI programs. It's like teaching robots to think!

After school, I play games with my friends using AI-powered virtual reality. It feels like we are in a different world! In the evening, AI helps me with my chores by cleaning and organizing my room. It's like having a helpful robot friend.

  1. How does artificial intelligence help Aoife get ready for school?
  2. What does Aoife use during lunchtime to make her sandwich?
  3. What does Aoife learn in her coding class?
  4. How does AI make playing games with friends more fun?
  5. How does AI help Aoife with her chores?

Section 3

Good evening and welcome to our special TV news report on the wonders of Artificial Intelligence!

In today's fast-paced world, technology is advancing at an incredible rate. One exciting development is Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short. AI refers to computer systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence.

AI is used in a variety of ways, from voice assistants like Siri and Alexa to self-driving cars and robots. These intelligent machines can learn, problem-solve, and even communicate with humans. It's like having a smart friend who can assist you with various tasks!

AI is also being used to improve our daily lives. For example, in healthcare, AI can help doctors diagnose diseases more accurately and quickly. In education, AI can provide personalized learning experiences for students.

But let's not forget the fun part! AI can be found in video games, where virtual characters can interact with players in a realistic way.

  1. Can you find an anagram of the word "intelligence"?
  2. What do we call computer systems that can perform tasks requiring human intelligence?
  3. Which voice assistants use AI to help users with various tasks?
  4. What field benefits from AI by providing personalized learning experiences?
  5. What sector uses AI to improve disease diagnosis?

Section 4

In a small primary school in Ireland, a fascinating event took place that showcased the wonders of artificial intelligence. The school decided to introduce a robot named Robo-Teacher to help students with their learning. Robo-Teacher was equipped with advanced AI technology, allowing it to interact with students and answer their questions.

During a science class, the students were learning about space exploration. One curious student asked Robo-Teacher, "How do astronauts survive in space?" Robo-Teacher quickly responded, explaining the concept of spacesuits and how they provide oxygen and protection in the vacuum of space. The student was amazed by the detailed explanation.

The presence of Robo-Teacher made learning more engaging and interactive for the students. They could ask questions without hesitation, and Robo-Teacher would provide accurate and informative answers. It also allowed the teacher to focus on individual students who needed extra support.

  1. What is the name of the robot introduced in the school?
  2. What technology did the robot have?
  3. What topic were the students learning about?
  4. What question did the student ask Robo-Teacher?
  5. How did the presence of Robo-Teacher benefit the students?