Section 1

Title: Important People at COP28: Making a Difference for Our Planet

Next week, a very important meeting called COP28 will take place in Dubai. Many important people will be there to talk about climate change and how we can help our planet. Let's learn about four of these important people!

  1. Xie Zhenhua: Xie Zhenhua is from China and has been working on climate change for a long time. He was part of the team that made the Paris Agreement in 2015. Xie is a role model for other climate diplomats because he is committed to taking action against climate change.

  2. Ineza Umuhoza Grace: Ineza Umuhoza Grace is from Rwanda and cares a lot about protecting the environment. She is part of a group called the Loss and Damage Youth Coalition that wants to help countries that are most affected by climate change. They have 10 important demands to make at COP28.

  3. Simon Stiell: Simon Stiell is from the small Caribbean island of Grenada and is the executive secretary of the United Nations' Framework Convention on Climate Change. He doesn't have direct power, but he uses his influence to encourage big countries to do more to help the planet.

  4. Mia Mottley: Mia Mottley is the Prime Minister of Barbados, another Caribbean island. Even though Barbados is small, Mottley is making a big difference. She wants to transform the global financial system to support climate action.

These four people, along with many others, will be working together to find solutions for climate change at COP28. They want to protect our planet and make sure it stays healthy for us and future generations.

  1. Who is Xie Zhenhua and why is he important?
  2. What group is Ineza Umuhoza Grace a part of and what do they want to do at COP28?
  3. What role does Simon Stiell have in the United Nations?
  4. Who is Mia Mottley and what does she want to transform?
  5. Why is COP28 an important meeting?

Section 2

My name is Aoife and I am 8 years old. I live in a small town called Kinsale in Ireland. Today, I want to tell you about an average day in my life and how I care for the environment.

Every morning, I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. I love nature, so I always start my day by watering the plants in our garden. I know that plants need water to grow, just like we need clean air to breathe.

After breakfast, I walk to school with my friends. On the way, we pick up any litter we see and put it in a bin. It's important to keep our town clean and protect the animals who might eat the litter by mistake.

During class, we learn about climate change and how it affects our planet. We talk about ways to reduce our carbon footprint, like using less electricity and recycling. I always try to turn off the lights when I leave a room and use both sides of my paper when drawing.

At lunchtime, I bring a reusable water bottle and lunchbox to school. I don't want to use single-use plastics that harm the environment. After lunch, we have a special time called "eco-hour" where we learn more about environmental stewardship and how to protect our planet.

In the evening, I go for a walk with my family. We explore the beautiful countryside around Kinsale and talk about the importance of preserving nature. Sometimes, we even spot animals like rabbits and birds.

  1. What does Aoife do in the morning before school?
  2. Why does Aoife pick up litter on her way to school?
  3. What does Aoife learn about in class?
  4. What does Aoife bring for lunch?
  5. What does Aoife do in the evening with her family?

Section 3

Welcome to the Nature News Network, where we bring you the latest updates on our planet and how we can take care of it! Today, we are discussing the importance of climate change and environmental stewardship.

Climate change refers to the long-term changes in temperature, weather patterns, and the overall climate of our planet. It is caused by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. These actions release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing the Earth's temperature to rise.

Why is climate change important? Well, it affects our environment in many ways. Rising temperatures can lead to more extreme weather events like hurricanes and droughts. It also causes sea levels to rise, which can flood coastal areas. Climate change also threatens the habitats of many plants and animals, leading to their extinction.

That's why environmental stewardship is crucial. Environmental stewardship means taking care of our planet and its resources. We can do this by conserving energy, using renewable resources like solar power, and reducing our carbon footprint.

So, let's all work together to protect our planet and ensure a greener and healthier future for everyone!

  1. Rearrange the letters to find an environmental word: RAINBOW
  2. Unscramble the word to find a renewable energy source: SOLAR
  3. Can you find the hidden word related to climate change? EATRHG
  4. What word can you make from these letters that means "taking care of the environment"? MNOMENTERVIANL
  5. Rearrange the letters to find a word that means "using less energy": ENEGRYCSOVIAN

Section 4

In Ireland, there was a true event that highlighted the importance of climate change and environmental stewardship. It was the "Climate Strike" that took place on September 20, 2019. Thousands of students from schools across Ireland gathered together to protest and raise awareness about the urgent need for action against climate change.

These young activists marched through the streets, holding signs and chanting slogans to demand that the government take immediate steps to combat climate change. They called for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, the promotion of renewable energy sources, and the protection of Ireland's natural habitats.

This event was significant because it showed that even young students understand the gravity of the climate crisis and are willing to fight for their future. It sent a powerful message to policymakers, urging them to prioritize environmental issues and take decisive action.

  1. What was the event that took place in Ireland?
  2. When did the event occur?
  3. What were the main demands of the students during the protest?
  4. Why was this event significant?
  5. What message did the students send to policymakers?