Section 1

Families are being encouraged to participate in a 24-hour break from smart devices as part of the annual 'CyberBreak' initiative. Starting from 5pm today until 5pm tomorrow, the campaign aims to raise awareness about excessive use of technology among children and help them learn how to disconnect.

The initiative is organized by internet safety charity CyberSafeKids, which conducted a recent survey revealing that a majority of school children admit to spending too much time on social media and online gaming. The study, involving 5,000 primary and secondary school-aged students, found that two-thirds of secondary school students and half of primary school children feel their online usage is excessive.

Furthermore, the research highlighted that a third of all children struggle to disengage from games and apps. It also revealed that teenage girls, who are more active on social media, experience negative emotions more frequently than boys when spending time online.

CyberSafeKids CEO Alex Cooney emphasized the importance of helping children manage their digital health and wellbeing. She stated that the CyberBreak initiative is designed to encourage families to take a collective break and evaluate the balance between their online and offline lives. Cooney also acknowledged that adults face similar challenges in disconnecting from the online world, emphasizing the need to teach children from an early age about maintaining a healthy balance and understanding the addictive nature of certain apps and games.

Overall, the CyberBreak campaign serves as a reminder for families to reassess their technology usage and prioritize offline activities for the benefit of their mental and emotional wellbeing.

  1. What is the purpose of the 'CyberBreak' initiative?
  2. Which organization is organizing the CyberBreak campaign?
  3. What percentage of school children feel their online usage is excessive?
  4. What did the research reveal about disengaging from games and apps?
  5. Why did CyberSafeKids CEO Alex Cooney emphasize the need to teach children about maintaining a healthy balance?

Section 2

Hi, my name is Aoife and I'm 11 years old. I live in a small town called Kinsale in Ireland. Today, I want to tell you about an average day in my life and how I balance my online and offline activities.

My day usually starts with the sound of birds chirping outside my window. I stretch and yawn, trying to wake myself up. After getting dressed and having breakfast, I grab my backpack and head off to school.

At school, I learn so many interesting things. My favorite subjects are science and art. During breaks, my friends and I run around the playground, playing games and laughing together. It's important for me to have this offline time, to interact with my friends face-to-face.

After school, I usually have some free time before starting my homework. Sometimes, I like to spend this time playing outside. I live near the coast, so I love going for walks on the beach and exploring nature. It's a great way to relax and connect with the world around me.

When I finish my homework, I like to spend some time online. I have a tablet that allows me to access the internet. I use it to research topics for school projects and to stay in touch with my family and friends who live far away. But I always make sure to limit my screen time and take regular breaks.

One of my favorite online activities is watching educational videos. There are so many interesting things to learn about on websites like National Geographic and TED-Ed. I find it fascinating to discover new facts and expand my knowledge.

However, I know that spending too much time online can be unhealthy. It's important to have a balance between online and offline activities. That's why I also enjoy reading books, playing board games with my family, and going on adventures outdoors.

  1. Why is it important to balance online and offline activities?
  2. What are some offline activities the child enjoys?
  3. How does the child limit their screen time?
  4. What are some online activities the child finds interesting?
  5. Where does the child live?

Section 3

Good evening, everyone! This is the Kids News Report, bringing you the latest updates on the world around us. Today, we are here to talk about the importance of balancing online and offline activities.

In this digital age, we all love spending time online. Whether it's playing games, chatting with friends, or watching videos, the internet has become a big part of our lives. But it's also important to remember that there is a world beyond the screen.

Experts say that spending too much time online can have negative effects on our physical and mental well-being. Sitting for long hours in front of a screen can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which is not good for our health. It is crucial to take breaks, go outside, and engage in physical activities like sports or playing with friends.

Moreover, spending too much time online can affect our social skills. While it's great to connect with friends online, it's equally important to interact with people face-to-face. Engaging in offline activities helps us develop better communication skills, empathy, and understanding of others.

So, how can we find the right balance? Well, it's all about setting limits and making conscious choices. It's important to allocate time for both online and offline activities. Plan your schedule in a way that allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds. By doing so, you can have fun online while also staying active and socializing in the real world.


Section 4

In Ireland, there was a true event that highlighted the importance of balancing online and offline activities. In a small town called Clonmel, a group of primary school students decided to organize a technology-free day for their school. They were concerned about their peers spending too much time on screens and not enough time engaging in other activities.

The students came up with the idea during one of their class discussions about the benefits and drawbacks of technology. They felt that while technology was useful and enjoyable, it was also important to have a balance and make time for offline activities such as reading, playing outside, and socializing face-to-face.

The students presented their idea to the school principal, who was impressed by their initiative and agreed to support their plan. They decided that the technology-free day would take place on a Friday, as it would allow everyone to enjoy a break from screens before the weekend.

On the designated day, the students arrived at school excited and ready to embrace the challenge. They left their phones, tablets, and laptops at home and focused on engaging in offline activities. The school provided alternative activities such as board games, art projects, and outdoor games to keep the students entertained throughout the day.

  1. Why did the group of students decide to organize a technology-free day?
  2. What did the students recognize as the drawbacks of spending too much time on screens?
  3. How did the school principal respond to the students' idea?
  4. What alternative activities were provided by the school on the technology-free day?
  5. What was the purpose of having the technology-free day on a Friday?