Section 1

A new study suggests that using social media a lot could lead to harmful behaviors in children and young people. Researchers from the University of Glasgow, the University of Strathclyde, and Public Health Scotland looked at how social media affects young people between the ages of 10 and 19.

The researchers studied data from 73 different studies that were done between 1997 and 2022. These studies included 1.4 million teenagers who were about 15 years old on average. They found that using social media every day was linked to higher chances of drinking alcohol (48%), using drugs (28%), and smoking (85%) compared to those who used social media less often.

The study also found that seeing alcohol advertisements on social media had the strongest evidence of harm. This means that when young people see these ads, it can make them more likely to drink alcohol.

The researchers discovered that the association between social media use and alcohol was stronger in people who were 16 years old or older. Those who spent at least two hours a day on social media were twice as likely to drink alcohol compared to those who spent less time on social media.

The study also showed that young people who used social media a lot were more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors like sexting and not using condoms. They were also more likely to do things that were not nice, called "anti-social behavior," and to gamble.

The researchers say that using social media can be risky for young people. They think more research is needed to fully understand the effects and to find out which aspects of social media are most harmful. They also suggest that schools, governments, and health organizations should be careful and take precautions to protect young people online.

  1. What did the researchers from the University of Glasgow, the University of Strathclyde, and Public Health Scotland study?
  2. What did the researchers find out about the link between social media use and harmful behaviors?
  3. What did the study show about the association between social media use and alcohol?
  4. What other risky behaviors were young people who used social media a lot more likely to engage in?
  5. What precautions should schools, governments, and health organizations take to protect young people online?

Section 2

Hi, my name is Aoife and I'm 8 years old. I live in a small town called Killarney in Ireland. Today, I want to tell you about an average day in my life. Well, it's not so average anymore because of social media. In the morning, I wake up and the first thing I do is check my iPad. I love playing games and watching funny videos on YouTube. Sometimes, I get so caught up in it that I forget to eat my breakfast! Then, I go to school and during lunch break, my friends and I take out our phones to check our social media accounts. We like to see what everyone else is doing and share funny pictures with each other. It's fun, but sometimes it makes me feel left out if I see my friends doing something without me. After school, I spend more time on social media. I chat with my online friends and post pictures of my day. But I've noticed that I spend less time playing outside and doing activities I used to enjoy. I think social media is changing the way I live my life. It's fun to connect with friends, but I also miss the old days when we would hang out together in person. I think it's important to find a balance between the online world and the real world. Questions:

  1. What is the name of the child?
  2. Where does the child live?
  3. What does the child do in the morning?
  4. What does the child do during lunch break?
  5. What does the child think about social media?

Section 3

Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the Kids News Network. I'm your host, and today we have an important report on the impact of social media on young people's health and behaviors.

Social media is a way for people to connect and share things online, but sometimes it can affect us in negative ways. It's important to understand how to use it responsibly.

Firstly, spending too much time on social media can lead to less physical activity. Remember, it is important to play outside and keep our bodies healthy and active.

Secondly, seeing pictures or videos of others having fun can sometimes make us feel left out or lonely. It's important to remember that not everything we see online is real, and it's okay to take breaks from social media if we start feeling sad or overwhelmed.

Lastly, cyberbullying is a serious problem on social media. It's important to always be kind online and report any mean or hurtful messages to a trusted adult.

  1. REEOPRT: Anagram for a type of news segment.
  2. ESRNPOD: Anagram for a way to keep our bodies healthy and active.
  3. YNOEL: Anagram for a feeling of being left out or lonely.
  4. BRYLDNLUIG: Anagram for a serious problem on social media.
  5. RTPOER: Anagram for what we should do if we see mean or hurtful messages online.

Section 4

In recent years, the impact of social media on young people's health and behaviors has become a growing concern. One true event that highlights this issue occurred in Ireland. In 2019, a 14-year-old girl named Emma became the victim of cyberbullying through social media.

Emma had been an active user of various social media platforms, but she started receiving hurtful and abusive messages from her classmates. The bullying escalated to the point where Emma began experiencing severe anxiety and depression. She became withdrawn and her academic performance suffered.

Thankfully, Emma's parents noticed the changes in her behavior and took immediate action. They reported the cyberbullying incident to the school and the local authorities. The school organized awareness campaigns and workshops on the responsible use of social media, while the authorities investigated and took appropriate actions against the bullies.

Emma's story serves as a stark reminder of how social media can negatively impact young people's mental health and well-being. It highlights the importance of educating children and parents about the potential dangers of social media and promoting responsible online behavior.

  1. What happened to Emma?
  2. How did the cyberbullying affect Emma?
  3. What actions were taken by Emma's parents?
  4. What steps did the school take to address the issue?
  5. Why is it important to educate children and parents about social media?