Section 1

Title: The Word of the Year: Rizz!

Once upon a time, Oxford University Press (OUP) chose a special word as the word of the year for 2023. This word is "rizz," which means style, charm, or attractiveness. It also means the ability to attract a romantic or special partner. People at OUP picked "rizz" because it is an interesting example of how language can be created and shared within communities before it becomes popular everywhere.

The word "rizz" comes from the word "charisma." It is believed that it was shortened to "rizz" from the middle part of the word. This is a unique way of forming a word. OUP thinks that "rizz" shows how Generation Z, the younger generation, is making a big impact on society. They create their own spaces, either online or in person, where they use their own unique language.

In June, the word "rizz" became well-known when an interviewer asked actor Tom Holland, who played Spider-Man, about his "rizz." Tom Holland said he had "no rizz whatsoever." This made the word even more popular.

This is the second year that the public has helped choose OUP's word of the year. Last year, the word was "goblin mode," which means behaving in a lazy or greedy way. This year, more than 30,000 people helped decide between four different pairs of words. "Rizz" won the competition against words like "beige flag," which means being boring.

The word "rizz" has become popular on social media. It shows how the internet can make new words popular faster than ever before. This is an exciting part of how language changes and grows over time.

In the past, other words of the year chosen by OUP include "vax" (2021), "climate emergency" (2019), and "selfie" (2013). It's always fun to see which word becomes famous each year!

So remember, "rizz" is the word of the year for 2023. It means style, charm, and the ability to attract a romantic partner. Have fun using this new word and adding it to your vocabulary!

  1. What does the word "rizz" mean?
  2. How did the word "rizz" become popular?
  3. Who helped choose OUP's word of the year?
  4. What does "beige flag" mean?
  5. Can you think of a sentence using the word "rizz"?

Section 2

Hi, my name is Aoife and I am 8 years old. I live in a small village called Glendalough in Ireland. Today, I want to tell you about my average day.

I wake up early in the morning and get ready for school. After breakfast, I walk with my friends to the school, which is just a short distance from my house. In school, we learn about many interesting things. Today, our teacher told us about the evolution of language and how words go from being not very popular to becoming really popular. It was fascinating!

During the break, my friends and I like to play games. We make up our own secret language and try to teach it to each other. It's so much fun! After the break, we have more classes like math, science, and English. In English, we learn new words every day and practice using them in sentences.

After school, I go to my dance class. It's my favorite activity! We learn different dance moves and practice them together. Sometimes, we have to remember the names of the dance steps, just like remembering new words.

Once I come back home, I do my homework and spend time with my family. We have dinner together and talk about our day. Sometimes, we play word games or read books together. It helps me learn new words and strengthen my language skills.

  1. What is the name of the child?
  2. Where does the child live?
  3. What did the child learn about in school today?
  4. What is the child's favorite activity?
  5. How does the child spend time with family?

Section 3

Attention, young viewers! In today's breaking news, we explore the fascinating topic of how words evolve and become popular in our language. This is known as the evolution of language. Words that start off as unique or unusual can eventually become part of our everyday vocabulary.

Our language is constantly changing, and new words are being added all the time. This happens when people start using a particular word more frequently and it spreads to others. The process can be influenced by many factors, such as technology, popular culture, and social media.

For example, think about the word "selfie." A few years ago, this word didn't exist. But with the rise of smartphones and social media platforms, taking selfies became a popular trend. As a result, the word "selfie" was coined and added to our dictionaries.

But how does a word go from being on the fringe to becoming mainstream? Well, it usually starts with a small group of people using the word. Over time, as more and more people adopt the word, it gains wider acceptance and eventually becomes part of our everyday language.

Now, let's test your knowledge with some anagram puzzles related to the evolution of language. Can you unscramble these words and figure out what they mean? Good luck!

  5. EPYTP

Section 4

In a small village in Ireland, a remarkable event took place that showcased the evolution of language. The event was a traditional storytelling competition where locals gathered to share their tales. One young boy, named Liam, decided to tell his story entirely in a made-up language he had created. The audience was initially perplexed, but as Liam passionately spoke, they found themselves captivated by the rhythm and emotion in his words.

Word of Liam's unique storytelling spread throughout the village, and soon, others started incorporating his invented language into their own stories. People were fascinated by how the language seemed to express emotions and ideas in a way that their native tongue couldn't. The once-fringe language was now becoming mainstream, with children and adults alike using it in their daily conversations.

  1. What was the event that took place in the small village in Ireland?
  2. Who was the young boy who participated in the event?
  3. How did the audience initially react to the boy's made-up language?
  4. What happened after word of Liam's unique storytelling spread?
  5. How did the once-fringe language become mainstream?