Section 1

In autumn, when the weather gets cooler, many plants, especially trees, drop their leaves. You might wonder why they do this. Well, it's actually a smart thing to do! By letting go of their leaves, plants save their nutrients for the next summer.

Plants need sunlight, nutrients, and water to grow. They get water and nutrients from the soil, and they capture sunlight with their leaves. Leaves have a special chemical called chlorophyll, which makes them green. Chlorophyll turns sunlight into food through a process called photosynthesis. In summer, plants do a lot of photosynthesis because they have plenty of light and warmth. The food they make is sugar, which helps them grow new leaves, flowers, and seeds.

But in winter, things change. The days get shorter, it gets colder, and there is less sunshine. Plants can't put on a coat like we can when we're cold. When it gets really cold and freezes, their leaves can get damaged.

If you want to see what freezing does to leaves, you can do an experiment at home. Take different leaves and put them in your freezer or fridge's ice box. Leave them there for a day to get really cold, and then take them out. Put them on a plate and wait for them to warm up.

Some leaves, like holly leaves, can handle being frozen and still look the same. But soft leaves, like lettuce leaves, will change. These types of plants don't like the cold, and their leaves will be destroyed. They don't want to lose the nutrients in their leaves, so instead, they break down the chlorophyll and store the nutrients in their roots, which are protected from the cold. When the chlorophyll breaks down, the green color disappears, and other chemicals, like carotenoids, take over. Carotenoids are what make carrots orange.

Depending on the chemicals in the leaf, it can turn different shades of yellow, orange, or even red. These chemicals don't have nutrients, so the plant doesn't need to break them down. The leaf dies, becomes brown and crispy, and eventually falls off the tree. In spring, when the days get longer and warmer, the tree uses the nutrients stored in its roots to grow new leaves for the summer.

So, when you see trees losing their leaves in autumn, remember that they are just saving their nutrients and getting ready for a new season of growth!

  1. Why do plants drop their leaves in autumn?
  2. What do plants need to grow?
  3. What is chlorophyll and what does it do?
  4. What happens to leaves when it gets really cold?
  5. How do plants store nutrients during winter?

Section 2

My name is Aoife and I am 8 years old. I live in a small village called Glendalough in Ireland. I love learning about nature and how plants survive in different seasons. Today, I want to tell you about an average day in my life.

  1. In the morning, I wake up early and look out of my window. I see the beautiful green fields and the tall trees swaying in the wind. It's springtime, and I can see tiny buds on the branches, waiting to bloom into flowers and leaves.
  2. After breakfast, I put on my raincoat and boots. I love exploring the outdoors, even when it's raining! I go to a nearby forest where I can see different types of plants. Some of them have thorns to protect themselves, like the blackberry bushes. I have to be careful not to get pricked!
  3. In the afternoon, I visit our school garden. We have been planting seeds and taking care of the plants. Today, I see the tomato plants growing taller and stronger. We water them and make sure they have enough sunlight. I can't wait to taste the juicy tomatoes when they ripen!
  4. After school, I go for a walk with my mom. We pass by a river where we see water lilies floating on the surface. They are so pretty! I learn that water lilies survive by absorbing nutrients from the water and their roots are anchored in the mud.
  5. Before bedtime, I read a book about different plants and their survival strategies. I learn about evergreen trees that stay green all year round and deciduous trees that lose their leaves in winter. It's fascinating how plants adapt to survive in different seasons!
  1. What does Aoife see outside her window in the morning?
  2. Why does Aoife wear a raincoat and boots?
  3. What does Aoife do in the school garden?
  4. What does Aoife learn about water lilies?
  5. What does Aoife read before bedtime?

Section 3

Good evening, young viewers! Welcome to the Nature News Network. I'm your host, Sunny Sarah. Today, we have an exciting report on the changing seasons and how plants survive.

  1. It's that time of the year when leaves change their colors and fall from trees. Did you know this is nature's way of helping plants survive? During winter, trees conserve energy by shedding their leaves. They go into a deep sleep called "dormancy." It's like a long nap to stay safe and protected from the cold weather.
  2. As the snow melts and the sun shines brighter, it's the start of spring! Flowers start to bloom, and trees grow new leaves. This is a crucial time for plants to make food through photosynthesis. They use sunlight, water, and nutrients from the soil to produce energy. Amazing, right?
  3. Summer arrives, and plants enjoy the warm weather. They use their leaves to soak up the sun's rays and make food. Did you know that plants release oxygen as a byproduct? So next time you take a breath of fresh air, remember to thank the plants!
  4. Finally, autumn arrives, and leaves turn vibrant colors before falling. This signals that the plants are preparing for winter once again. They drop their leaves to minimize water loss and save energy during the cold months.
  5. So, my dear viewers, nature has an incredible way of helping plants survive during the changing seasons. From dormancy in winter to blooming in spring, plants adapt to their environment. Let's cherish and protect the beauty of nature!

Now, let's put your knowledge to the test with some anagram puzzles! Rearrange the letters to form words related to the changing seasons and plant survival:

  1. tniwre
  2. esrfgsa
  3. seemsurm
  4. pahotosintyhs
  5. dormancy

Section 4

Ireland is known for its lush green landscapes and changing seasons. One true event associated with The Changing Seasons and Plant Survival in Ireland is the annual blooming of bluebells in Killarney National Park.

  1. What happens during the annual blooming of bluebells in Killarney National Park?
  2. Why are bluebells important for plant survival?
  3. How do bluebells adapt to the changing seasons in Ireland?
  4. What other plants can be found in Killarney National Park?
  5. Why is Killarney National Park a popular tourist destination?