Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: History of Terenure Dublin 60 minutes Books on local history, Internet access for research Introduce the topic by asking students what they know about Terenure Dublin and its history. 1. Research activity on the history of Terenure Dublin. 2. Discussion on the historical significance of the placename. 3. Group presentation on different eras of the area's history. Summarise the history of Terenure Dublin and discuss its significance. Assess based on participation in discussion and quality of group presentations.
Lesson 2: Notable Person from Terenure Dublin 60 minutes Biographies, Internet access for research Introduce the notable person from or near Terenure Dublin. 1. Research activity on the life and work of the notable person. 2. Role play activity of a day in the life of the person. 3. Group presentation on the impact of the person on the area. Discuss the impact of the notable person on Terenure Dublin. Assess based on participation in activities and understanding of the notable person's impact.
Lesson 3: Geography of Terenure Dublin 60 minutes Maps, Internet access for research Introduce the geography of Terenure Dublin. 1. Field trip to observe the area's geography. 2. Map reading activity. 3. Group discussion on the impact of geography on the area's development. Summarise the geography of Terenure Dublin and discuss its significance. Assess based on participation in activities and understanding of the area's geography.
Lesson 4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, rulers, pencils Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance. 1. Mapping activity where students draw a map of Terenure Dublin. 2. Group activity to compare and contrast different maps. 3. Presentation of their own maps. Discuss the importance of mapping and how it can help us understand an area better. Assess based on participation in activities and quality of the maps created.
Lesson 5: Biodiversity of Terenure Dublin 60 minutes Field guides, Internet access for research Introduce the topic of biodiversity and its importance. 1. Field trip to observe local biodiversity. 2. Research activity on local species and their importance. 3. Group discussion on ways to protect local biodiversity. Discuss the importance of protecting biodiversity and how it can be achieved in Terenure Dublin. Assess based on participation in activities and understanding of biodiversity.
Lesson 6: Art inspired by Terenure Dublin 60 minutes Art supplies Introduce the idea of using the local area as inspiration for art. 1. Drawing or painting activity using the local area as inspiration. 2. Group critique of each other's work. 3. Gallery walk to appreciate each other's art. Discuss how the local area can inspire art and how art can help us see the area in new ways. Assess based on participation in activities and the creativity and effort put into the artwork.