Welcome to Terenure

Terenure is a lovely townland in Dublin, Ireland. Its name is quite special because in Irish, it means "land of the clean spring". Many years ago, people settled here because of this clean, fresh water source.

The history of Terenure is filled with interesting stories. One of the most fascinating parts of its history is about a grand house called Rathfarnham Castle. This castle was built in the 16th century, that's over 400 years old! Imagine living in a house that old!

A really important event happened at this castle during the Irish Rebellion of 1641. This was a time when Irish Catholics fought against English rule. The castle was attacked, but it managed to defend itself. So, if you visit Terenure, you can see a castle that has survived a real-life battle!

Over time, Terenure grew from a small village to a busy townland. Even today, it keeps its charm and history alive. When you walk around, you can feel the stories of the past whispering in the wind. So, remember, history is not just about dates and facts, it's about stories, people, and places like Terenure.

  1. What does Terenure mean in Irish?
  2. Why is Rathfarnham Castle important in the history of Terenure?
  3. What major event happened at Rathfarnham Castle during the Irish Rebellion of 1641?
  4. How has Terenure changed over time and how has it remained the same?
  5. Why do you think it's important to remember that history isn't just about dates and facts?

All About Terenure

Terenure is a lovely place in Dublin, Ireland. It is surrounded by other neighbourhoods like Rathgar, Harold's Cross, and Templeogue. One of the most important roads is Terenure Road, which runs right through the heart of the area.

A fun fact about Terenure is that it's home to Bushy Park, a great place to play and explore nature. The park is filled with a variety of trees, flowers, and wildlife. You can spot squirrels, birds, and even the occasional fox there! There's also a cool playground in the park and a duck pond where you can feed the ducks.

Terenure does not have any mountains or rivers, but it does have a small stream called the River Dodder running near it. This river is known for its wildlife, especially the trout fish.

In the streets of Terenure, you can see interesting street furniture like traditional Irish post boxes which are painted green, and unique benches where you can sit and enjoy an ice cream.

So, that's a little about Terenure. It's a cool place filled with nature, interesting streets, and fun things to do!

  1. What are the names of neighbourhoods that surround Terenure?
  2. Describe the wildlife you can find in Bushy Park.
  3. What is the River Dodder known for?
  4. What unique street furniture can you find in the streets of Terenure?
  5. Explore the area of Terenure on a map. Can you find any other geographical features not mentioned in the article?

My Family and Terenure

Hello! I'm Ellis, and I just turned 8! I live in an amazing place called Terenure. It's so cool here! There's a big green park called Bushy Park where I love to go. I like to run races with my friends or have a picnic with my family. Sometimes, we even see ducks in the pond!

Across the park, there's the Terenure Village Market. It's every Sunday, and we go there to buy yummy food. I love the smell of fresh bread and the colourful fruits and vegetables.

Also, near my house, there's a big building called Terenure College. It's a school, but it looks like a castle! I imagine it's full of knights and princesses. One day, I might go to school there, who knows?

I also love the Rathfarnham Castle. It's a bit far, but mom and dad take me there sometimes. It's so big and old, I like to pretend I'm a brave knight defending the castle.

That's a little about my life in Terenure. It's a fun place to grow up, and I can't wait to see what adventures are waiting for me!

  1. What is the name of the park Ellis loves to visit?
  2. What activities does Ellis enjoy doing in the park?
  3. When does Ellis visit the Terenure Village Market?
  4. What does Ellis imagine about Terenure College?
  5. Why does Ellis like visiting Rathfarnham Castle?

The Logainm of Terenure

Terenure is a place in Dublin, Ireland. Its name in Irish is "Tír an Iúir" which means "Land of the Yew tree". A long time ago, people used to speak only Irish and they named places after things they saw or stories they knew. The yew tree was thought to be magical, so our ancestors must have seen a lot of these trees in Terenure. Over the years, the name changed from Irish to English and it became known as Terenure.

One of the most famous stories connected to Terenure is about a man named Brian Boru. He was a great king of Ireland about a thousand years ago, and he had a big battle near Terenure. Some people believe that the yew trees in Terenure were used to make weapons for this battle.

Today, Terenure is a busy part of Dublin with lots of houses, shops, and schools. But if you look carefully, you can still see some yew trees around, reminding us of the old Irish name and the history of this place.

  1. What does "Tír an Iúir", the Irish name for Terenure, mean in English?
  2. What is special about the yew tree?
  3. Who was Brian Boru and what is his connection to Terenure?
  4. How has the name Terenure changed from the old Irish name to the English name we use today?
  5. What reminders of the old Irish name and history can you still see in Terenure today?

Slideshow - Terenure
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Terenure