Here is the HTML table with the lesson plans: ```html
Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Templeogue 60 minutes Books, videos, images about Templeogue's history Introduce the history of Templeogue, focusing on the origin of the placename. Activity 1: Research the history of the placename. Activity 2: Create a timeline of important events. Activity 3: Draw or write about what Templeogue might have looked like in the past. Review the history of Templeogue and what was learned about the placename. Assess the timelines and drawings or writings.
2: Notable Person 60 minutes Information about a notable person from the area Introduce the notable person from the area. Activity 1: Research about the person's life. Activity 2: Role-play an interview with the person. Activity 3: Write a biography about the person. Discuss the person's impact on Templeogue and wider Dublin. Assess the research, role-play, and biographies.
3: Geography of Templeogue 60 minutes Maps, images, videos of the area's geography Introduce the natural geography of Templeogue. Activity 1: Identify key geographical features on a map. Activity 2: Create a model of the area's geography. Activity 3: Write a description of the area's geography. Review the key geographical features of Templeogue. Assess the maps, models, and descriptions.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Blank maps, pencils, markers Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance. Activity 1: Fill in a blank map of Templeogue. Activity 2: Create a map from memory. Activity 3: Create a map with a key and symbols. Review the maps created and discuss the importance of accurate mapping. Assess the accuracy and detail of the maps.
5: Biodiversity in Templeogue 60 minutes Field guides, notebooks, pencils Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance. Activity 1: Identify local plants and animals. Activity 2: Create a nature journal. Activity 3: Discuss ways to protect local biodiversity. Review the importance of biodiversity and ways to protect it. Assess the nature journals and discussions.
6: Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies Introduce the concept of using the local area as inspiration for art. Activity 1: Sketch or paint a local landscape. Activity 2: Create a sculpture using natural materials. Activity 3: Photograph local landmarks or nature. Discuss the artwork created and how it reflects Templeogue. Assess the creativity and connection to Templeogue in the artwork.
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