Welcome to Templeogue

Templeogue is a very interesting townland in Dublin, Ireland. Long ago, it was a small, quiet village with lots of farms and open space. The name 'Templeogue' comes from the Irish language, ‘Teach Mealóg,’ which means 'The House of Mealóg.' Mealóg was a person who lived there hundreds of years ago.

In the 1800s, many large houses were built in Templeogue, and it started to grow. Some of these beautiful houses are still standing today! One famous house is called the 'Templeogue House.' It was built around 1800 and for a long time, it was the biggest building in the area.

One interesting thing about Templeogue is that it was a part of the Battle of Rathmines in 1649, during the Irish Confederate Wars. This was a big fight between two groups who wanted to control Ireland.

Now, Templeogue is a busy suburban area with many schools, shops, and homes. But it still holds onto its history, with its old houses and stories from the past. Isn't it amazing to think about all the things that have happened in Templeogue over the years?

  1. What does the name 'Templeogue' mean in Irish?
  2. When was the 'Templeogue House' built?
  3. What big event happened in Templeogue in 1649?
  4. Why do you think it's important for Templeogue to hold onto its history? Use evidence from the text in your answer.
  5. Imagine you lived in Templeogue in the 1800s. How might your life be different? Use information from the text to help explain your answer.

All About Templeogue

Templeogue is a lovely neighbourhood in Dublin, Ireland. It's a place full of green spaces for you to explore and play in! One of the most popular spots is Bushy Park, a big park with beautiful trees and a playground. You can also find the River Dodder flowing softly through the park, home to many ducks and fish.

In Templeogue, you'll find lots of different birds, like robins and sparrows, and even some foxes if you're lucky! There are lots of flowers too, especially in spring and summer, like daisies and bluebells.

One famous street is Templeville Road. It has lots of houses and the Templeogue Synge Street GFC, a big sports club where people play Gaelic football.

There aren't any mountains in Templeogue, but it's not very far from the Dublin Mountains where you can see the whole city from the top! Templeogue is a wonderful place for nature lovers and those who like to play outside. Why not take a walk around and see what you can discover?

  1. What is the name of the river that flows through Bushy Park in Templeogue?
  2. What kind of birds can you commonly find in Templeogue?
  3. What is the name of the famous street in Templeogue that houses a big sports club?
  4. Although there aren't any mountains in Templeogue, where can you go nearby to see the whole city from the top?
  5. Take a walk around your local area. Can you find a geographical feature that is similar to something in Templeogue? Draw a map of your route and mark the feature on your map.

My Family and Templeogue

Hi! I'm Morgan, I'm 8 years old and I live in a cool place called Templeogue. It's in Dublin, Ireland. My house is near the Dodder River and it's really fun because sometimes, we see ducks swimming there. My friends and I like to throw bread crumbs for them.

There's a big park called Bushy Park near my home. It has a playground, tennis courts, and even a duck pond! I love going to the park after school and playing on the swings. Sometimes, my parents take me to the Templeogue Tennis Club. I'm not very good yet, but it's fun to try!

One of the best things about Templeogue is the Templeogue Village Market. There are lots of stalls selling yummy food like homemade cakes, and fresh fruit and vegetables. My favorite is the cake stall, of course!

Another great place here is St. Pius X Church. It's a big, beautiful building. My family and I go there on Sundays. Sometimes, I get to ring the bell, and it's the best part of my week!

I like living in Templeogue. It's a friendly place with lots of fun things to do. I'm excited to grow up here!

  1. Can you describe what Morgan likes to do at the Dodder River?
  2. What are some of the things Morgan enjoys about Bushy Park?
  3. Why does Morgan like the Templeogue Village Market?
  4. How does Morgan feel about the Templeogue Tennis Club?
  5. What is Morgan's favorite thing to do at St. Pius X Church?

The Logainm of Templeogue

Templeogue is a lovely place in Dublin, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish words 'Teach Mealóg'. 'Teach' means 'house' or 'building' and 'Mealóg' was a person's name. So, Templeogue means 'Mealóg's house'. Mealóg was a very holy woman who lived a long, long time ago.

Over the centuries, the name has changed a bit, just like how a long game of 'telephone' can change a sentence! But the story of Mealóg and her house has stuck around. Imagine living in a place named after your home!

Today, people in Templeogue still remember Mealóg. There's even a school there named after her. So, her name lives on in the place she once called home. It's like a very long memory game, right? And just like that, the history of a place is kept alive, linking the past to the present.

  1. What does the name 'Templeogue' mean in English?
  2. Who was Mealóg?
  3. How has the name 'Templeogue' changed over time?
  4. What is one way that people in Templeogue remember Mealóg today?
  5. How does remembering the name 'Templeogue' help link the past to the present?

Slideshow - Templeogue
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Templeogue