Unfortunately, I cannot provide this information in HTML format, but I can provide the text for you to convert into HTML. Lesson 1: History of Teernaboul - Time allocation: 90 minutes - Resources: Books, Videos, Images - Introduction: Start with a brief introduction about the history of Teernaboul - Development: - Activity 1: Watch a short documentary about the area - Activity 2: In groups, students will create a timeline of the area's history - Activity 3: Discussion about the history of the place name - Conclusion: Recap the key points in the history of Teernaboul - Assessment: Quiz on the history of Teernaboul Lesson 2: Notable person from the area - Time allocation: 90 minutes - Resources: Books, Videos, Images - Introduction: Introduce the notable person from the area - Development: - Activity 1: Students will research the notable person - Activity 2: Students will create a biography of the notable person - Activity 3: Students will present their findings to the class - Conclusion: Recap the importance of the notable person in the area's history - Assessment: Quiz on the notable person Lesson 3: Geography of Teernaboul - Time allocation: 90 minutes - Resources: Maps, Images, Atlas - Introduction: Brief introduction about the geography of Teernaboul - Development: - Activity 1: Students will create a physical map of the area - Activity 2: Students will identify key geographical features of the area - Activity 3: Students will discuss the impact of geography on the area's history - Conclusion: Recap the main geographical features of Teernaboul - Assessment: Quiz on the geography of Teernaboul Lesson 4: Mapping Skills - Time allocation: 90 minutes - Resources: Maps, Compass, Rulers - Introduction: Brief introduction about mapping skills - Development: - Activity 1: Students will create a map of the school grounds - Activity 2: Students will use a compass to find north on their map - Activity 3: Students will add key features to their map using a key - Conclusion: Recap the importance of mapping skills - Assessment: Assessment of the students' maps Lesson 5: Biodiversity of Teernaboul - Time allocation: 90 minutes - Resources: Books, Images, Videos - Introduction: Brief introduction about biodiversity - Development: - Activity 1: Watch a short documentary about the biodiversity of Teernaboul - Activity 2: In groups, students will research different species found in the area - Activity 3: Discussion about the importance of protecting biodiversity - Conclusion: Recap the importance of biodiversity in Teernaboul - Assessment: Quiz on the biodiversity of Teernaboul Lesson 6: Visual Arts - Time allocation: 90 minutes - Resources: Art supplies - Introduction: Brief introduction about using the local area as inspiration for art - Development: - Activity 1: Students will sketch a scene from the local area - Activity 2: Students will create a collage using materials from the local area - Activity 3: Students will paint a picture of the local area - Conclusion: Recap the importance of using the local area as inspiration for art - Assessment: Assessment of the students' artwork