Welcome to Teernaboul

Teernaboul is a small but very special townland in County Kerry, Ireland. It's tucked away in the southwest corner of the country, surrounded by rolling green hills and sparkling lakes.

Although Teernaboul might seem like a quiet place now, it has a rich history that dates back many, many years. In the olden days, it was a busy farming area. People worked hard to grow crops and raise animals. So, if you were living in Teernaboul back then, you might have been a farmer's child, helping to collect eggs from the hens or milk from the cows!

Even though we don't have big historical events that happened in Teernaboul, the history of this townland is important because it tells us about the simple but meaningful lives of the people who lived there. Like a puzzle, every townland in Ireland, including Teernaboul, helps to complete the picture of our country's history.

Today, Teernaboul is a peaceful place where families live and children play. But remember, every corner of our land has a story to tell, even if it seems small or ordinary.

  1. What kind of area was Teernaboul in the olden days?
  2. What might you have done if you were a child living in Teernaboul back then?
  3. Why is the history of Teernaboul important?
  4. How does Teernaboul help to complete the picture of Ireland's history?
  5. What does the story of Teernaboul tell us about the lives of the people who lived there?

All About Teernaboul

Teernaboul is a charming little place in County Kerry, Ireland. It’s filled with beautiful green fields and lovely sights to enjoy. You'll find it right next to the town of Killarney, which is known for its beautiful parks and lakes.

In Teernaboul, we have unique and pretty flowers like the Irish eyebright and yellow iris. These flowers make our fields look like a colourful painting! We also have many animals around, like the adorable red fox and the playful Irish hare.

Our area is also famous for the Flesk River, which flows smoothly through the land. It's a great place to spot ducks and other water-loving birds. We have mountains nearby too, like the majestic MacGillycuddy's Reeks. They're the highest mountains in Ireland!

In terms of streets, we have a famous one called the Muckross Road. It's lined with tall, leafy trees and leads right to the beautiful Muckross House and Gardens in Killarney National Park.

Don't forget to look for the traditional Irish street furniture. You'll find old-fashioned lampposts and quaint benches where you can sit and enjoy the view. So, if you love nature and beautiful landscapes, Teernaboul is a wonderful place to explore!.

  1. What are some examples of the flora and fauna found in Teernaboul?
  2. Describe the geographical features of the Flesk River and the MacGillycuddy's Reeks.
  3. How does the Muckross Road contribute to the geography and layout of Teernaboul?
  4. On a map of County Kerry, locate Teernaboul and its neighbouring town, Killarney. Use these locations to determine the direction of the Flesk River flow.
  5. Explore Teernaboul or a similar area near where you live. What geographical features or points of interest can you find? Describe them in detail.

My Family and Teernaboul

Hi! I'm Riley and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Teernaboul in Co. Kerry. It's really fun here. We are near a big mountain called Carrauntoohil. It's the highest mountain in Ireland! I've not climbed it yet but I will when I'm bigger.

There's also a big lake, the Killarney Lakes, it's so big and blue. Sometimes we go there to have picnics and I try to spot the wild deer. It's really fun to watch them. And there's a park called the Killarney National Park. It's huge and full of trees and animals. I love going there with my family.

Another cool thing about Teernaboul is all the Kerry cows. They're everywhere! They make the creamiest milk ever. We even have an ice cream factory that uses their milk. I love ice cream!

So, that's all about me and where I live. It's a fun place to grow up. I can't wait to explore more and share it with you all. See you next time!

  1. What is the name of the highest mountain in Ireland?
  2. What animals can you find in the Killarney Lakes?
  3. Why does Riley like going to the Killarney National Park?
  4. What do the Kerry cows in Teernaboul produce?
  5. What does Riley like about the ice cream from the local factory?

The Logainm of Teernaboul

Teernaboul is a special place in County Kerry, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish language. In Irish, it's called "Tír na Bó", which means "Land of the Cow". You might wonder why it's called that. Well, once upon a time, cows were very important in Ireland. They provided milk, butter and meat to the people. So, a place called "Land of the Cow" was a really good place to live!

Although we don't rely on cows as much today, they are still a big part of life in Teernaboul. You can see plenty of them grazing in the green fields. The name Teernaboul reminds us of the history of this place and how people have lived here for a very long time.

Even today, Teernaboul is a place where history and the present come together. The old ways of life are remembered in the name, and the cows still roam the fields. But you will also find modern houses and schools where children, like you, learn about the world.

  1. What is the English translation of "Tír na Bó"?
  2. Why was a place called "Land of the Cow" considered a good place to live?
  3. How are cows still a part of life in Teernaboul today?
  4. How does the name Teernaboul connect the past and the present?
  5. What are some of the modern things you can find in Teernaboul today?

Slideshow - Teernaboul
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Teernaboul