Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Tamhlacht Baile Átha Cliath 60 minutes Books on local history, Internet access Discussion of what students know about the history of their area. Activity 1: Research Task - Students use resources to learn about the history of the area.
Activity 2: Group Discussion - Students share what they have learned.
Activity 3: Creation of Timeline - Students create a timeline of the area's history.
Summary of what students have learned about the history of Tamhlacht Baile Átha Cliath. Review of timelines created by students.
2: Notable Person from the Area 60 minutes Biographies, Internet access Discussion of famous people from the area. Activity 1: Research Task - Students research a notable person from the area.
Activity 2: Presentation - Students present their findings.
Activity 3: Role Play - Students act out a scene from the notable person's life.
Summary of what students have learned about the notable person. Review of presentations and role plays.
3: Geography of the Area 60 minutes Maps, Internet access Discussion of the geography of the area. Activity 1: Map Study - Students study maps of the area.
Activity 2: Field Trip - Students explore the natural geography of the area.
Activity 3: Creation of Model - Students create a model of the area's geography.
Summary of what students have learned about the geography of the area. Review of models created by students.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, Internet access Discussion of mapping and why it's important. Activity 1: Map Reading - Students practice reading maps.
Activity 2: Map Creation - Students create their own maps of the area.
Activity 3: Treasure Hunt - Students use their maps to find a hidden "treasure" in the area.
Summary of what students have learned about mapping. Review of maps created by students and their ability to use them.
5: Biodiversity 60 minutes Field guides, Internet access Discussion of what biodiversity is and why it's important. Activity 1: Species Identification - Students identify different species in the area.
Activity 2: Presentation - Students present their findings.
Activity 3: Conservation Plan - Students brainstorm ideas for protecting the biodiversity of the area.
Summary of what students have learned about biodiversity and conservation. Review of presentations and conservation plans.
6: Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies Discussion of how the local area can inspire art. Activity 1: Sketching - Students sketch a scene from the area.
Activity 2: Painting - Students paint their sketches.
Activity 3: Art Show - Students display their artwork.
Summary of what students have learned about using their environment as inspiration for art. Review of artwork created by students.