Welcome to Tamhlacht

Tamhlacht, also known as Tallaght, is a very special place in Ireland with a rich history. It's like a big, exciting book full of stories from the past!

Long, long ago, around the year 769, some really smart monks decided to build a church there. This church was called St. Maelruain's, named after the monk who established it. It's like when you build a sandcastle at the beach, but much, much bigger!

Now, imagine living in a place without any shops or markets. Incredibly, this was Tamhlacht until around 1800, when the first big market was built. People from all around came to buy and sell things, kind of like a giant car boot sale!

And guess what? Some of the very first coins in Ireland were made right there in Tamhlacht. Imagine making your own money!

Even though lots of things have changed over the years, Tamhlacht has always been a place where people live, laugh, learn, and share stories. Just like your school, it's a place full of history and interesting tales.

  1. What is another name for Tamhlacht?
  2. Who built the first church in Tamhlacht and what was it called?
  3. What happened in Tamhlacht around the year 1800?
  4. What was one of the first things made in Tamhlacht?
  5. If you could change one thing about Tamhlacht's history, what would it be and why?

All About Tamhlacht

Tamhlacht, also known as Tallaght, is a fun and interesting place in Ireland. Imagine a big, colourful map, it's near the top on the right! The River Dodder runs through it like a squiggly blue line, where ducks love to swim.

It's surrounded by beautiful hills that are like gentle green giants. The highest one is called Mount Seskin, where you can see the whole town from the top. Isn't that cool?

Some of the streets in Tallaght are famous because they are so old. Main Road, for example, is like the spine of Tallaght, with lots of shops, houses, and schools dotted along it.

When you walk around, you'll see a lot of trees, flowers, and shrubs. They make the town pretty and are home to many birds and insects. Pay attention and maybe you can spot a robin or a shiny beetle!

In the town centre, there's a big square with benches where people like to sit and chat. There's also a special clock called 'The Timepiece' that tells not only the time but also the date!

So, next time you look at a map, find Tamhlacht and remember all the fun and interesting things about it!

  1. Can you find Tamhlacht on a map? What other geographical features can you identify near it?
  2. What is the name of the river that runs through Tamhlacht and what role does it play in the town's geography?
  3. Describe the landscape of Tamhlacht. What kind of vegetation can you find there?
  4. What is 'The Timepiece' and where is it located in Tamhlacht?
  5. Explore Tamhlacht or your own area and find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text. What is it and why do you find it interesting?

My Family and Tamhlacht

Hi, my name is Izzie and I'm 8 years old! I live in a really cool place called Tamhlacht. It's in Ireland! It's got loads of awesome stuff to see and do. My favorite place is the Round Tower. It's really old and tall, like a giant! I always imagine it's a castle where knights and princesses lived long ago.

Another cool place is Rua Red, it's an arts centre where I go to draw and paint sometimes. They even let us put up our pictures for everyone to see. I feel like a real artist when that happens.

The best part of living in Tamhlacht is the park. I go there with my friends to play soccer. We pretend we are in a big stadium and score the winning goal! We also have picnics with my family under the big trees when it's sunny. It's so much fun!

Oh, I can't forget about the Square Shopping Centre. It's huge and has all kinds of shops. I especially like the toy store and the ice-cream shop. Mom always gets her groceries and I get my ice-cream. Yum!

Well, that's all about me and my town. I love living in Tamhlacht and I can't wait to grow up here. Bye for now!

  1. What is Izzie's favorite place in Tamhlacht?
  2. What does Izzie like to do at Rua Red?
  3. What games does Izzie play at the park?
  4. Who does Izzie go to the park with?
  5. What are the two things Izzie likes most about the Square Shopping Centre?

The Logainm of Tamhlacht

Have you ever heard about a place called Tamhlacht? In English, this Gaelic word means "plague burial place". It's a bit spooky, isn't it? But don't worry, it's just a name. Tamhlacht is actually a nice place in Ireland, filled with smiling faces and lush green parks.

Long, long ago, before you or even your great-great-great-grandparents were born, there was a terrible disease called the plague. When people sadly died, they were buried together in special places, which were given the name Tamhlacht. It was a way for people back then to remember and honor those who had passed away.

Today, Tamhlacht is known as Tallaght, a bustling suburb of Dublin, the capital city of Ireland. It's a busy place filled with schools, shops, and lots of people. The name keeps alive the memory of those who lived and died there hundreds of years ago. It shows us how history is always around us, even in the names of the places we live.

  1. What is the meaning of Tamhlacht in English?
  2. Why were places named Tamhlacht long ago?
  3. What is Tamhlacht called today?
  4. Why do you think it's important to remember people from hundreds of years ago?
  5. Can you think of any other places that might have interesting stories behind their names?

Slideshow - Tamhlacht
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Tamhlacht