Here is the HTML table representation of the lesson plans: ```html
Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
History of Tallaght Dublin 1 Hour Books, Internet, Projector Introduction to the history of Tallaght Dublin. 1. Discussion on the history.
2. Presentation about the evolution of the place.
3. Quiz on the history.
Summary of the history of Tallaght Dublin Quiz Results
Notable Person from Tallaght 1 Hour Books, Internet, Projector Introduction to a notable person from Tallaght. 1. Discussion on the person's life.
2. Presentation about the person's accomplishments.
3. Role-play activity.
Summary of the notable person's life and accomplishments Role-Play Participation and Understanding
Geography of Tallaght 1 Hour Maps, Internet, Projector Introduction to the geography of Tallaght. 1. Discussion on the geography.
2. Exploration of the area using maps.
3. Quiz on the geography.
Summary of the geography of Tallaght Quiz Results
Mapping Skills of Tallaght 1 Hour Maps, Pencils, Rulers Introduction to mapping skills and their importance. 1. Demonstration on how to use a map.
2. Kids mapping the area.
3. Discussion on their maps.
Summary of the mapping skills learned Mapping Skills and Participation
Biodiversity in Tallaght 1 Hour Books, Internet, Projector Introduction to biodiversity and its importance. 1. Discussion on local biodiversity.
2. Presentation on protecting biodiversity.
3. Brainstorming session on how to protect local biodiversity.
Summary of the biodiversity in Tallaght and ways to protect it Participation in Brainstorming and Understanding
Visual Arts Inspired by Tallaght 1 Hour Art Supplies Introduction to visual arts and their importance. 1. Demonstration on how to create art inspired by surroundings.
2. Kids creating their own art.
3. Discussion on their art.
Summary of the art created and the inspirations behind them Artwork and Participation
``` You can copy this HTML code and paste it in any HTML file to view the table.