Section 1

In Tokyo, Japan, something special recently happened. People from 21 different countries came together to compete in the first-ever Spogomi World Cup. But what is Spogomi? Well, it's a sport that involves collecting litter!

The founder of Spogomi, Kenichi Mamitsuka, used to pick up litter during his morning runs. He realized that if he turned it into a fun competition, more people would join in and help keep the environment clean. So, he started the first Spogomi competition 15 years ago. The word "Spogomi" comes from the Japanese words "sport" and "gomi," which means rubbish.

During the Spogomi World Cup, each team had three members. They had to collect as much rubbish as they could within a certain amount of time. They searched the streets for things like plastic, cigarette butts, and other trash. They couldn't run or take things from existing litter bins, though. Referees followed the teams to make sure everyone followed the rules.

The teams used gloves, metal tongs, and plastic rubbish bags to collect the litter. After the time was up, they sorted the rubbish into different categories. They earned points based on the amount and type of rubbish they collected. Small items like cigarette ends scored more points.

The teams that participated in the Spogomi World Cup had to win national competitions in their own countries to qualify. Some teams had interesting reasons for getting involved. One team from Australia belonged to a meditation group, and cleaning up was part of their philosophy. Another team from France had an advantage because they all worked in the refuse collection industry.

In the end, the team from Britain won the Spogomi World Cup by collecting 57 kilograms of rubbish. But the real prize is making the world a cleaner place. The founder of Spogomi hopes that people will change their thinking about rubbish and take care of the environment. He wants to have Spogomi events in 50 countries by 2030.

So, remember, cleaning up can be fun! By picking up litter and looking after our environment, we can make a big difference. Who knows, maybe one day Spogomi will become an Olympic demonstration event!

  1. What is Spogomi?
  2. Why did Kenichi Mamitsuka start the Spogomi competition?
  3. What did the teams use to collect the litter?
  4. How did the teams earn points?
  5. What is the founder of Spogomi's hope for the future?

Section 2

My name is Sean and I am 8 years old. I live in a small town called Killarney in Ireland. I want to tell you about an average day in my life and how I take care of our environment by keeping our streets clean.

  1. In the morning, I wake up early and have breakfast with my family. After that, I put on my gloves and grab a trash bag to clean up any litter I find on the way to school.
  2. At school, we have a special group called the "Eco Warriors." I am a proud member of this group. We learn about the importance of keeping our streets clean and organize clean-up drives in our neighborhood.
  3. During recess, my friends and I pick up any trash we see on the playground. We even have a compost bin where we throw our leftover fruit peels and food scraps.
  4. After school, I walk home with my friends. We make sure to throw any wrappers or papers we find in the bins along the way. Sometimes, we even have friendly competitions to see who can collect the most trash!
  5. In the evening, I help my parents with recycling. We separate our plastic, paper, and glass items into different bins. It's fun to see how much we can recycle each week!

I feel happy knowing that I am doing my part to keep our streets clean. It's important for everyone to take care of our environment so that we can have a beautiful and healthy planet to live on.

  1. What does Sean do in the morning to help keep the streets clean?
  2. What group is Sean a part of at school?
  3. What do Sean and his friends do during recess?
  4. What do Sean and his friends do on their way home from school?
  5. What does Sean do in the evening to help the environment?

Section 3

Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the Kids News Channel. I'm your host, and today we have an important report about taking care of our environment. We all love playing outside, right? But have you ever noticed how dirty the streets can be? It's not just unpleasant to look at, but it can also harm our planet. That's why it's crucial to keep our streets clean.

When we litter, trash gets blown by the wind and ends up in rivers and oceans. This harms the animals that live there. It's like their home is being invaded by our garbage! We can help by throwing our trash in the right place. Always use a trash can or recycle bin. Remember, even small actions can make a big difference.

So, let's take the first step together! Organize a clean-up day in your neighborhood. Grab some friends, gloves, and bags, and start picking up litter. It's not only good for the environment, but it's also fun! You'll feel proud of the clean streets you helped create.

  1. Arrange the letters to find a word that means "to make clean and free from dirt".
  2. Rearrange the letters to find a word that means "throw away in the wrong place".
  3. Unscramble the letters to find a word that means "a container for rubbish".
  4. Mix up the letters to find a word that means "taking care of something".
  5. Shuffle the letters to find a word that means "to bring together and work as a team".

Section 4

In Ireland, the importance of keeping our streets clean is widely recognized. One true event that highlights this is the annual "Clean Coasts Week" that takes place in different coastal locations around the country. During this event, communities come together to clean up beaches, shorelines, and streets near the coast.

  1. Why is it important to keep our streets clean?
  2. What is the name of the event that takes place in Ireland?
  3. Where does the event "Clean Coasts Week" occur?
  4. What do communities do during this event?
  5. Why is it important to clean up beaches and shorelines?