Lesson Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 Objective 1 45 minutes World map, pictures of Switzerland Introduce Switzerland as a country by showing its location on the world map. Discuss the basic geography of Switzerland, such as its neighboring countries, physical features (e.g., Alps), and main cities. Recap the key points discussed and allow students to ask questions. Ask students to draw and label a simple map of Switzerland, highlighting its main features.
Lesson 2 Objective 2 45 minutes Pictures of Bern, information about Bern Show pictures of Bern and ask students if they can identify what city it is. Provide information about Bern, including its status as the capital city of Switzerland, its location, and its unique features (e.g., medieval architecture, clock tower). Review the facts about Bern and discuss any interesting aspects the students found. Ask students to create a mini-poster or write a short paragraph about Bern, including at least three facts they have learned.
Lesson 3 Objective 3 45 minutes Pictures of Swiss landmarks (excluding Bern) Show pictures of famous landmarks in Switzerland (excluding Bern) and ask students if they can identify any of them. Discuss one famous landmark in Switzerland (e.g., Matterhorn, Chillon Castle) and provide information about its location, significance, and interesting features. Allow students to share any additional landmarks they know or have researched. Ask students to create a travel brochure featuring the landmark they learned about, including pictures, descriptions, and why it is worth visiting.
Lesson 4 Objective 4 60 minutes Magazines, travel brochures, markers, construction paper Introduce the concept of a tour guide and explain its purpose. Provide students with travel brochures and magazines showcasing various attractions in Switzerland. Guide students in creating their own tour guide for a tourist planning on visiting Switzerland. They should include information about popular destinations, transportation, cultural highlights, and recommended activities. Assess the tour guides based on their accuracy, creativity, and organization.