Welcome to Summerhill Or Aghnaharna

Summerhill or Aghnaharna is a special place in Co. Laois, right in the heart of Ireland. Even though it's small, it has a rich history.

Long, long ago, this area was covered in beautiful green forests and rolling hills. The people who lived here thousands of years ago were farmers, just like some people in Summerhill today! They took care of animals and grew their own food.

Although there aren't any big battles or famous kings linked to Summerhill, it has its own quiet stories to tell. Over the years, people built homes, schools, and churches here, making it the cozy community we know today.

One of the most interesting things about Summerhill is its name. In Irish, Aghnaharna means "Field of the Alders". Alder trees were very important in ancient Ireland. People believed they had magical properties, and they used them to make shields, boats, and even musical instruments!

So next time you walk through Summerhill, remember that every tree, hill, and stone has a story. And who knows? Maybe you'll be part of Summerhill's history one day too!

  1. What does Aghnaharna mean in Irish?
  2. What were the people who lived in Summerhill thousands of years ago?
  3. What is one of the most interesting things about Summerhill?
  4. Why do you think the ancient people of Ireland believed that Alder trees had magical properties?
  5. If you could add to the history of Summerhill, what would you do and why?

All About Summerhill Or Aghnaharna

Summerhill and Aghnaharna are both lovely areas in County Laois, Ireland. This land is filled with lots of green fields and big, beautiful trees! These trees are home to a variety of birds like robins and sparrows.

A notable street in Summerhill is called Summerhill Lane. Just imagine it, a lane lined with blossoming flowers in the summer, isn't that beautiful?

In Aghnaharna, there are also some incredible places. One of them is the Portlaoise Leisure Centre, a fun place where kids like you can swim and play.

The area is quite flat, meaning there aren't any mountains. But there is an important river nearby, the River Barrow. This river is one of the longest in Ireland! It is home to many fish and provides water for the plants and animals in the region.

If you visit these places, you might also notice some unique street furniture, like the traditional Irish post boxes that are painted green.

So, Summerhill and Aghnaharna are not just places on a map, but also home to many living creatures, interesting places, and fun activities!

  1. What type of birds can you find in the trees of Summerhill and Aghnaharna?
  2. What is the name of the notable street in Summerhill and what can you find there during summer?
  3. Describe the geographical features of Aghnaharna. Are there any mountains?
  4. Can you find the River Barrow on a map? What is its significance to the region?
  5. Explore the area yourself! Can you find something of geographical interest not mentioned in the text? Describe what you found and why it is interesting.

My Family and Summerhill Or Aghnaharna

Hi, I'm Noel! I'm 8 years old and I live in Summerhill, Aghnaharna Co. Laois. It's a really cool place to grow up! We have lots of green fields and old buildings that make you feel like you're in a storybook. My favourite is the Rock of Dunamase. It's an old castle that's been around for hundreds of years. I sometimes pretend I'm a knight defending the castle from dragons!

There's also Emo Court. It's a big house with beautiful gardens. I love to play hide and seek in the gardens with my friends. I also like to watch the swans swimming in the lake. They're so graceful and beautiful!

And let's not forget the Slieve Bloom Mountains. They're the highest mountains in Co. Laois. I've not climbed to the top yet, but I can see them from my house. One day, I'll climb to the very top. I bet the view is amazing from up there!

  1. What is Noel's favourite local landmark and why?
  2. What does Noel like to do at Emo Court?
  3. What does Noel think about the swans at Emo Court?
  4. What can Noel see from his house?
  5. What is Noel's future goal related to the Slieve Bloom Mountains?

The Logainm of Summerhill Or Aghnaharna

Do you know, every place name tells a story? The name of a place in Ireland called Summerhill Or Aghnaharna in County Laois has a beautiful meaning. "Aghnaharna" is an Irish word and when translated into English, it means "Field of the Alders". Alders are a type of tree that grows near water. So, this suggests that a long, long time ago, there might have been a field full of Alder trees in this place.

Many years ago, people used the wood from Alder trees to make different things like boats, musical instruments, and even shoes! Maybe, the trees in Aghnaharna were used for similar things. Today, the name reminds us of the rich natural history of the area.

Even though we don't see a field full of Alder trees in Aghnaharna anymore, the name reminds us to appreciate and protect our environment. It's like a secret message from the old times, telling us to take care of nature, just like they did.

  1. What does the Irish word "Aghnaharna" mean in English?
  2. What are Alder trees and where do they usually grow?
  3. How were Alder trees used in the past?
  4. How does the name "Aghnaharna" remind us of its natural history?
  5. What is the secret message that the name "Aghnaharna" tells us?

Slideshow - Summerhill Or Aghnaharna
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Summerhill Or Aghnaharna