Welcome to Strawhall

Strawhall is a lovely townland located in County Carlow, Ireland. It's full of history and stories that would take us way back in time!

You know, Strawhall wasn't always this peaceful townland we know today. A long time ago, it was a busy place buzzing with people working in a large flax mill. Now, you might wonder, what is a flax mill? Well, a flax mill is a place where flax, a kind of plant, was processed to create linen. Linen was used to make clothes, bed sheets, and many other things.

This flax mill made Strawhall a very important place, as it provided jobs for many people and helped in the production of linen. The workers, like busy bees, would turn the flax into threads, and then into fabric. It was a tough job but they were really good at it!

Over time, things changed. The flax mill is no longer there, but Strawhall remains a charming townland with its beautiful landscapes and friendly people. It’s a reminder of our past, showing us how people lived and worked in the old days. So, the next time you visit Strawhall, imagine the hustle and bustle of the flax mill and the people working there!

  1. What is a flax mill?
  2. Why was the flax mill important for Strawhall?
  3. What happened to the flax mill over time?
  4. How did the workers at the flax mill process the flax?
  5. What can we learn from the history of Strawhall?

All About Strawhall

Strawhall is a pretty place in County Carlow, Ireland. It's surrounded by beautiful green fields and lovely nature. One of the main roads is Strawhall Avenue, where you can see lovely houses and gardens. The area is rich in plants and animals. You might spot rabbits hopping in fields or hear birds chirping in the trees. There are lots of flowers too, like daisies and buttercups, that make the fields look like a colourful carpet. If you love exploring, you can find the Burrin River nearby. The river is home to ducks and fish, and on sunny days, you might even see a rainbow reflecting in the water. There are not any mountains in Strawhall, but there are lots of gentle, rolling hills that can be fun to run and play on. In Strawhall, you can also find some cool street furniture, like colourful benches and old, charming street lamps. These make the area look even more friendly and inviting. So, Strawhall is a wonderful place to explore and learn about nature. Whether you're listening to the birds, watching the river, or smelling the flowers, there's always something to discover!.

  1. What types of animals might you find in Strawhall?
  2. Describe the Burrin River and what you might see there on a sunny day.
  3. What are some features of the landscape in Strawhall?
  4. Using a map, can you find and describe the location of Strawhall Avenue?
  5. Plan a visit to Strawhall and find something of geographical interest. What did you find and why is it significant?

My Family and Strawhall

Hi, I'm Gaby! I'm 8 years old and I live in Strawhall, Co. Carlow. It's a really fun place to grow up in. The whole town is like a big playground for me.

I live near a really cool park. There's a huge old oak tree that I love to climb. I can see the whole town from the top of it! I also love the river Barrow that flows through our town. It sparkles like diamonds under the sun.

My favourite place is Duckett's Grove. It's an old ruined castle and it's super cool! I like to imagine I'm a knight defending the castle from dragons.

There's also a really big mountain near our town called Mount Leinster. My dad and I sometimes go hiking there. It's a lot of fun and the view from the top is amazing!

  1. What is Gaby's favourite place in Strawhall, Co. Carlow?
  2. What does Gaby like to imagine when at Duckett's Grove?
  3. Who does Gaby sometimes go hiking with on Mount Leinster?
  4. What does Gaby like to do at the park near her house?
  5. How does the river Barrow look under the sun according to Gaby?

The Logainm of Strawhall

Strawhall is a small place in County Carlow, Ireland. Its name in Irish is 'An tSráidbhaile', which directly translates to 'The Street Town' in English. This might sound a bit funny but in the old days, any place with a main street where people lived and worked was often called a 'street town'.

A long time ago, Ireland was full of these 'street towns'. People would set up their homes and businesses along the main road. They would sell goods, produce food, and provide services to travelers and fellow town residents. That's how Strawhall might have gotten its name!

Today, Strawhall still has that 'street town' feel. There's a main street where people live and work. Even though we don't ride horses or travel by foot like in the old days, the spirit of the 'street town' lives on. Isn't it cool that we can see a piece of history every time we walk down the main street of Strawhall?

  1. What does the Irish name 'An tSráidbhaile' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think places were called 'street towns' in the old days?
  3. What were some things people did in these 'street towns'?
  4. How is the 'street town' spirit still alive in Strawhall today?
  5. Why do you think it's important to know the history of the place where we live?

Slideshow - Strawhall
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Strawhall