Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Stranorlar Co. Donegal 1hr History books, Internet access, Projector for presentations Introduction to the history of Stranorlar Co. Donegal with a focus on the history of the logainm of the placename. 1. Research activity on the history of the placename. 2. Group discussion on their findings. 3. Presentation of their research. Summary of the history of Stranorlar and the importance of its placename. Assessment based on participation in research and presentation.
2: Notable Person from the Area 1hr Biographies, Internet access, Art materials for portraits Introduction to a notable person from the area, Isaac Butt, an Irish barrister, politician, and founder of a number of Irish nationalist parties and organisations. 1. Research activity on the life of Isaac Butt. 2. Group discussion on his contributions. 3. Art activity where children draw portraits of Isaac Butt. Summary of the life and contributions of Isaac Butt. Assessment based on participation in research, discussion, and art activity.
3: Geography of the Area 1hr Maps, Internet access, Pictures of local geography Introduction to the geographical features of Stranorlar, including the River Finn and the local mountains. 1. Research activity on the geographical features. 2. Group discussion on their importance. 3. Drawing activity where children illustrate the geographical features. Summary of the geographical features of Stranorlar and their importance. Assessment based on participation in research, discussion, and drawing activity.
4: Mapping Skills 1hr Maps, Compass, Drawing materials Introduction to mapping skills using Stranorlar as the area of study. 1. Tutorial on how to read and draw maps. 2. Activity where children draw their own maps of Stranorlar. 3. Group discussion on their maps. Summary of the importance of mapping skills and their application in real life. Assessment based on participation in the tutorial, map drawing activity, and discussion.
5: Biodiversity 1hr Internet access, Field guides to local flora and fauna, Binoculars Introduction to the concept of biodiversity, focusing on the local flora and fauna of Stranorlar. 1. Research activity on local biodiversity. 2. Field trip to observe local biodiversity. 3. Group discussion on the importance of protecting local biodiversity. Summary of the biodiversity in Stranorlar and the importance of its protection. Assessment based on participation in research, field trip, and discussion.
6: Visual Arts 1hr Art materials, Pictures of Stranorlar Introduction to using the local area as a stimulus for creating art. 1. Discussion on how the local area can inspire art. 2. Art activity where children create their own pieces inspired by Stranorlar. 3. Art exhibition where children present their work. Summary of how local areas can inspire art and the importance of expressing one's creativity. Assessment based on participation in discussion, art activity, and art exhibition.