Welcome to Stranorlar

Stranorlar is a lovely little townland in County Donegal, Ireland. Do you know what a townland is? It's an old Irish term for a small area of land. Stranorlar is small but it has a lot of character!

The townland's history goes way back. In the olden days, around the 1600s, Stranorlar was a busy market town. That means people from all around would come to buy and sell goods like food, clothes, and tools. Can you imagine all the hustle and bustle?

One special thing about Stranorlar is that it had one of the earliest railway stations in Donegal. It opened in 1863 - that's over 150 years ago! Trains would chug into the station, carrying people and goods to and from other towns. It must have been so exciting to see the steam puffing from the engines!

Even though it's not a busy market town or a bustling railway station anymore, Stranorlar is still a wonderful place. People live there, go to school there, and enjoy the beautiful Donegal countryside. And that's the story of Stranorlar - a small townland with a big history!

  1. What is a townland?
  2. What was Stranorlar known for in the 1600s?
  3. What is special about the railway station in Stranorlar?
  4. Why do you think the railway station was important for Stranorlar?
  5. If you could visit Stranorlar, what would you like to see or do there?

All About Stranorlar

Stranorlar is a lovely little town located in County Donegal, Ireland. It's like a jigsaw puzzle piece perfectly placed in the beautiful Irish landscape, with lots of interesting things to see and do.

Stranorlar is a part of 'The Twin Towns', together with Ballybofey. Main Street is the heart of the town, where you can see many shops, cafes, and even a charming town park!

The town is surrounded by the Blue Stack Mountains, which are like giant, green sleeping dinosaurs! They are home to many different animals like red deer and birds, and plants like heather and gorse, which bloom and make the mountains look like they're painted in purples and yellows.

The River Finn flows near Stranorlar, it's a long and winding river where salmon swim and leap. By the river, you might see benches and street lamps where people sit and enjoy the view.

One special place in Stranorlar is the Drumboe Woods, a magical forest where you can find lots of different trees, plants, and maybe even spot a playful squirrel or a shy rabbit. This town is a wonderful nature playground!.

  1. What are some of the animals and plants found in the Blue Stack Mountains?
  2. Describe the location of Stranorlar in relation to the River Finn and the Blue Stack Mountains.
  3. Why is Main Street considered the heart of the town of Stranorlar?
  4. Using a map, can you trace the path of the River Finn as it flows near Stranorlar?
  5. Can you explore the area yourself and find something of geographical interest? Describe what you found and why it's interesting.

My Family and Stranorlar

Hi, I'm Lee and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Stranorlar in Co. Donegal. It's in Ireland, you know? It's really pretty with lots of green fields and hills. My favourite place is the McElhinney's department store. They have so many toys and cool stuff for kids, it's like a mini paradise!

Close to our home is a big park, Oak Grove Park. I love going there with my friends. We play football, run around or just lie on the grass and watch the clouds. Sometimes, we even have picnics there. And guess what? I learned to ride my bike in that park!

There's also an old church near our house, the Church of Mary Immaculate. My mom says it's a very special place. I think it's really old and kind of spooky, but it’s fun to explore.

I love living in Stranorlar. There's always something to do and places to explore. Can't wait to tell you more about my adventures!

  1. What is Lee's favourite place in Stranorlar and why?
  2. What activities does Lee enjoy doing at Oak Grove Park?
  3. What significant event happened to Lee in Oak Grove Park?
  4. What are Lee's thoughts about the Church of Mary Immaculate?
  5. Why does Lee love living in Stranorlar?

The Logainm of Stranorlar

Stranorlar is a special place in County Donegal, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish language, "Srath an Urláir", which means "the valley of the floor". Isn't that cool? It's like living in a giant's home! The valley could be the floor of the giant's house.

Many years ago, people used to speak only Irish and they named places based on what they saw or important events. Stranorlar is one of those places. It's a valley, a place between two hills, and that's why they called it the "valley of the floor".

Nowadays, people in Stranorlar speak both English and Irish. Many places in Ireland keep their Irish names to remember the old times and to honor the Irish language. So, Stranorlar will always remind us of a beautiful valley that might have been the floor of a giant's house!

  1. What does the name 'Stranorlar' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think people long ago named places based on what they saw or events that happened?
  3. What languages do people in Stranorlar speak today?
  4. Why do you think it's important to keep the Irish names of places?
  5. Can you imagine what the "valley of the floor" might look like in a giant's house? What other things might you see in a giant's house?

Slideshow - Stranorlar
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Stranorlar