Here are the lesson plans: ```html
Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Stoneparks 60 mins Books, Internet, Maps Introduce the history of Stoneparks Ballymote Co. Sligo, focusing on the logainm of the placename.
  • Research activity on the history of Stoneparks.
  • Group discussion on findings.
  • Creating a timeline of significant events in Stoneparks history.
Review the timeline and discuss the importance of understanding local history. Assess the timeline and participation in group discussion.
2: Notable Person 60 mins Biographies, Internet Introduce a notable person from the area.
  • Research activity on the notable person.
  • Presentation on the life and achievements of the person.
  • Role-play activity based on the notable person's life.
Reflect on the notable person's contributions to the local community. Assess the presentation and participation in role-play activity.
3: Geography 60 mins Maps, Internet Introduce the natural geography of Stoneparks.
  • Field trip to observe natural features of the area.
  • Group discussion on the geographical features observed.
  • Creating a geographical model of Stoneparks.
Review the geographical model and discuss the importance of geographical features. Assess the geographical model and participation in group discussion.
4: Mapping 60 mins Maps, Compasses Introduce mapping skills and the area of Stoneparks.
  • Activity on reading and interpreting maps.
  • Group activity to create a map of Stoneparks.
  • Navigation activity using the created map.
Review the maps created and discuss the importance of mapping skills. Assess the maps created and participation in mapping activities.
5: Biodiversity 60 mins Field guides, Magnifying glasses Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance.
  • Field trip to observe biodiversity in Stoneparks.
  • Group activity to identify and classify species.
  • Discussion on ways to protect local biodiversity.
Reflect on the importance of biodiversity and discuss students' ideas for protection. Assess understanding of biodiversity and participation in activities.
6: Visual Arts 60 mins Art materials Introduce visual arts and the local area as an inspiration.
  • Field trip for sketching or photographing local landscapes.
  • Art project to create a piece inspired by the local area.
  • Art exhibition of students' works.
Reflect on the art created and discuss the importance of local inspiration. Assess the art created and participation in art activities.
``` Please remember to replace the placeholder activities with your specific ones.