Welcome to Stoneparks

Stoneparks is a lovely townland in the county of Sligo, which is in the western part of Ireland. It's like a little piece of history tucked away in the countryside.

Long, long ago, Stoneparks was full of bustling farms. The farmers lived in small cottages and worked hard to grow their crops and take care of their animals. The townland was named 'Stoneparks' because of the many ancient stone walls that divided the fields. These walls were built hundreds of years ago and are still standing today - isn't that amazing?

Though no big historical events happened in Stoneparks, it's still a special place because it shows us how people used to live in the old days. The farmers who lived in Stoneparks didn't have fancy machines or supermarkets. They had to grow their own food and make their own clothes.

If you ever visit Stoneparks, you'll see the old stone walls, the green fields, and maybe even some cows and sheep. It's a beautiful place that reminds us of Ireland's history and the hard work of our ancestors. So, even though it's a small place, Stoneparks has a big story to tell!

  1. Why is Stoneparks named as such?
  2. What were the farmers in Stoneparks like in the old days?
  3. What can you see if you visit Stoneparks today?
  4. Why do you think the stone walls in Stoneparks have remained standing for hundreds of years?
  5. How does Stoneparks help us understand the history and lifestyle of our ancestors?

All About Stoneparks

Stoneparks in County Sligo, Ireland, is a magical place filled with nature and history. It's like stepping into a fairytale! Tall, green mountains are all around, the most famous one being Benbulben Mountain. It's so big that it looks like a giant sleeping on its back!

There's a lovely river called the Garavogue flowing through the area. It's a favourite spot for ducks who you can often see swimming happily. This river also leads to the beautiful Lough Gill, a big, sparkling lake.

Now guess what? There are also lots of cool animals and plants here! You could spot badgers, foxes, and many different types of birds like robins and starlings. Beautiful flowers like bluebells and daisies cover the fields in spring, making everything look so colourful!

When you wander around, you might see some old, charming stone houses, and the famous Yeats's Tower, where the poet Yeats used to live. There aren't many big streets, but the ones they have are cozy with friendly people who will always say hello!

Stoneparks is a place full of surprises, and there's always something new to discover. Have fun exploring!.

  1. What is the name of the famous mountain in Stoneparks, and what does it look like?
  2. Can you name some of the animals and plants that you might find in Stoneparks?
  3. What are some of the landmarks you might see when wandering around the area?
  4. Using a map of Stoneparks, can you identify and describe one geographical feature that interests you?
  5. Imagine you are planning a day in Stoneparks, using a map, plan your route including the places you would like to visit.

My Family and Stoneparks

Hi there! My name's Oakley and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Stoneparks, Co. Sligo. It's in Ireland, you know! I'm going to tell you a bit about my home.

Firstly, I have to tell you about the magnificent Benbulben. It's a gigantic mountain that looks like it's straight out of a fairy tale. Sometimes, I like to imagine it as a sleeping giant. I'm not brave enough to climb it yet, but one day, I will!

Close to my home, there's the coolest place, the Lissadell House. It's a big, old house with beautiful gardens. I love to run around and play hide and seek there. My friends and I also like to picnic near the seashore, which is just a short walk away from the house. The sound of the waves is really calming, just like a lullaby.

There's also a magical forest, Union Wood, where I go on adventures. I pretend to be a brave knight, protecting the forest from dragons and witches. It's so much fun!

Living in Stoneparks is really awesome. I hope you can come visit someday!

  1. Can you describe what the Benbulben looks like?
  2. Why do you think Oakley likes to imagine Benbulben as a sleeping giant?
  3. What activities does Oakley like to do at the Lissadell House?
  4. How does the sound of the waves near the Lissadell House make Oakley feel?
  5. What kinds of adventures does Oakley imagine having in the Union Wood?

The Logainm of Stoneparks

Stoneparks, also known as 'Páirc na Cloch' in Irish, is a place in County Sligo, Ireland. Its name means 'Field of Stones' in English. The name comes from the old days when there were lots of stones in the fields. Farmers had to remove these stones before they could plant their crops. Some of these stones were very big and had been there for thousands of years! They even used these stones to build walls and houses.

One famous stone in Stoneparks is called the 'Giant's Chair'. It's a large stone that looks like a chair. Legend says that a giant used to sit there and watch over the area. Today, you can still see this stone and many others in Stoneparks. These stones tell us about the history of the place and the people who lived there long ago.

Living in Stoneparks today, people still remember the stories of the stones and the giant. They also use the fields, just like the farmers did in the past, but now they use modern machines to remove any new stones. The fields are full of cows and sheep, and sometimes, when the sun shines on the stones, it's like looking back in time.

  1. What does the name 'Páirc na Cloch' mean in English?
  2. Why did the farmers need to remove stones from their fields?
  3. What is the 'Giant's Chair' and why is it famous?
  4. How do the stones in Stoneparks tell us about its history?
  5. What do people in Stoneparks do with the fields today?

Slideshow - Stoneparks
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Stoneparks