Lesson 1 Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Objective 1: the child should find out the historical figure Steve Biko, where and when they lived, and what they are famous for.
Resources needed: Books, pictures of Steve Biko
Introduction: Introduce Steve Biko and explain the importance of learning about historical figures.
Development: Read a short biography of Steve Biko together. Discuss where and when he lived and why he is famous.
Conclusion: Summarize key points about Steve Biko. Ask students what they have learned.
Assessment: Ask students to write down one fact they learned about Steve Biko.
Lesson 2 Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Objective 2: the child should explore the historical figure, Steve Biko's contributions to society and culture.
Resources needed: Articles, videos about Steve Biko
Introduction: Recap the previous lesson about Steve Biko.
Development: Discuss Steve Biko's contributions to society and culture. Watch a video or read articles to further explore his work.
Conclusion: Discuss the impact Steve Biko had on his time and how his work influences the world today.
Assessment: Ask students to write a short paragraph about one of Steve Biko's contributions.
Lesson 3 Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Objective 3: the child should connect the historical figure Steve Biko to the child’s life.
Resources needed: Worksheet with questions about connecting Biko to everyday life
Introduction: Ask students how they think Steve Biko's work relates to their own lives.
Development: Discuss ways in which students can take inspiration from Biko's values and apply them to their own lives.
Conclusion: Have students share their thoughts on how Steve Biko's work can impact them.
Assessment: Review students' completed worksheets for understanding.
Lesson 4 Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Objective 4: the child should design a timeline of the life of the historical figure, Steve Biko.
Resources needed: Poster board, markers, pictures of Steve Biko's life events
Introduction: Explain the concept of a timeline and its importance in understanding historical figures.
Development: Have students work in groups to create a timeline of Steve Biko's life events.
Conclusion: Each group presents their timeline to the class and explains the significance of each event.
Assessment: Evaluate the accuracy and completeness of each group's timeline.