| **Lesson 1: Discovering Steffi Graf** | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Images of Steffi Graf, biography of Steffi Graf | | **Introduction:** Begin by showing images of Steffi Graf and asking students if they recognize her. Introduce Steffi Graf as an inspirational woman and explain that they will be learning more about her life and achievements. | | **Development:** Discuss where and when Steffi Graf lived, her achievements in tennis, and why she is famous. Encourage students to ask questions and engage in discussions. | | **Conclusion:** Summarize key points about Steffi Graf's life and achievements. Assign a small research task for students to find out one interesting fact about Steffi Graf for the next lesson. | | **Assessment:** Students will be assessed on their participation in discussions and their ability to retain information about Steffi Graf. | | **Lesson 2: Exploring Steffi Graf's Contributions** | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 50 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Videos of Steffi Graf's matches, articles on Steffi Graf's impact | | **Introduction:** Review the facts learned in the previous lesson and ask students to share their interesting facts about Steffi Graf. Introduce the concept of contributions to society and culture. | | **Development:** Watch videos of Steffi Graf's matches and discuss the impact she had on the world of tennis. Explore how her work influenced the world of sports. | | **Conclusion:** Have students reflect on how Steffi Graf's contributions have impacted society and culture. Assign a written task for students to write about a person who inspires them and why. | | **Assessment:** Students will be assessed on their understanding of Steffi Graf's contributions and their ability to analyze her impact on society and culture. | | **Lesson 3: Connecting Steffi Graf to Your Life** | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Paper, markers, worksheets on personal connections | | **Introduction:** Have students share their written tasks from the previous lesson about a person who inspires them. Introduce the idea of connecting Steffi Graf to their own lives. | | **Development:** Guide students to think about how they can apply Steffi Graf's determination and hard work to their own goals and challenges. Have students create a personal connection worksheet. | | **Conclusion:** Discuss with students how they can draw inspiration from Steffi Graf in their daily lives. Encourage them to set goals and work hard to achieve them. | | **Assessment:** Students will be assessed on their ability to make personal connections between Steffi Graf and their own lives through their completed worksheets. | | **Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Steffi Graf's Life** | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 60 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Poster boards, markers, pictures of Steffi Graf at different ages | | **Introduction:** Introduce the concept of a timeline and explain its purpose. Show pictures of Steffi Graf at different stages of her life. | | **Development:** Have students work in pairs to create a timeline of Steffi Graf's life, including key events and achievements. Encourage creativity and attention to detail. | | **Conclusion:** Each pair presents their timeline to the class, explaining the significance of each event. Discuss how timelines help us understand a person's life in a chronological order. | | **Assessment:** Students will be assessed on their ability to accurately depict Steffi Graf's life events on their timeline and their presentation skills. | | **Lesson 5: Steffi Graf's Impact on Tennis** | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 50 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Tennis rackets, tennis balls, tennis court diagram | | **Introduction:** Begin by discussing the significance of tennis in Steffi Graf's life and career. Show a tennis court diagram and explain the rules of the game. | | **Development:** Divide the class into teams and have them play a mini tennis game, following the rules discussed. Discuss the skills and strategies needed to excel in tennis. | | **Conclusion:** Reflect on Steffi Graf's impact on the sport of tennis and how her achievements have inspired others to pursue the sport. Encourage students to continue playing tennis as a form of exercise and recreation. | | **Assessment:** Students will be assessed on their understanding of tennis rules and their participation in the mini tennis game. | | **Lesson 6: Reflecting on Steffi Graf's Legacy** | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Reflection worksheets, markers | | **Introduction:** Begin by revisiting key moments in Steffi Graf's life and career. Discuss the concept of legacy and how individuals are remembered for their contributions. | | **Development:** Have students complete reflection worksheets where they write about what they have learned from studying Steffi Graf and how they can apply her values in their own lives. | | **Conclusion:** Have a class discussion on Steffi Graf's lasting legacy and the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance in achieving success. | | **Assessment:** Students will be assessed on their ability to reflect on Steffi Graf's legacy and make connections to their own lives through their completed worksheets. |