Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: History of Springfield Bray Co. Wicklow 60 minutes Local history books, internet access, writing materials Introduce the topic by discussing the history of Ireland, then narrow it down to Springfield Bray Co. Wicklow. Activity 1: Research the history of the area.
Activity 2: Discuss the significant historical events that happened in the area.
Activity 3: Create a timeline showing the historical development of the area.
Conclude by summarizing the historical importance of Springfield Bray Co. Wicklow. Assess the timelines created and the children's understanding of the area's history.
Lesson 2: Notable Person from Springfield Bray Co. Wicklow 60 minutes Internet access, writing materials, biographies Introduce the topic by discussing the concept of a notable person and their importance in society. Activity 1: Research a notable person from Springfield Bray Co. Wicklow.
Activity 2: Discuss the person's achievements and contributions.
Activity 3: Write a short biography of the person.
Conclude by summarizing the notable person's contributions to the area and Ireland as a whole. Assess the biographies written and the children's understanding of the notable person's contributions.
Lesson 3: Geography of Springfield Bray Co. Wicklow 60 minutes Internet access, atlas, writing materials Introduce the topic by discussing the concept of geography and its importance. Activity 1: Research the geographical features of Springfield Bray Co. Wicklow.
Activity 2: Discuss the geographical features found in the area.
Activity 3: Draw a map illustrating the geographical features of the area.
Conclude by summarizing the geographical features of Springfield Bray Co. Wicklow. Assess the maps drawn and the children's understanding of the area's geography.
Lesson 4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Map of Springfield Bray Co. Wicklow, writing materials Introduce the topic by discussing the importance of mapping skills. Activity 1: Learn how to read a map.
Activity 2: Identify key features on the map of Springfield Bray Co. Wicklow.
Activity 3: Create their own map of the area.
Conclude by summarizing the importance of mapping skills. Assess the maps created and the children's understanding of mapping skills.
Lesson 5: Biodiversity 60 minutes Internet access, local flora and fauna guides, writing materials Introduce the topic by discussing the concept of biodiversity and its importance. Activity 1: Research the biodiversity of Springfield Bray Co. Wicklow.
Activity 2: Discuss the different species found in the area and their importance.
Activity 3: Create a poster promoting the protection of local biodiversity.
Conclude by summarizing the importance of protecting biodiversity. Assess the posters created and the children's understanding of biodiversity.
Lesson 6: Visual Arts 60 minutes Art materials, pictures of Springfield Bray Co. Wicklow Introduce the topic by discussing the importance of visual arts in expressing ideas and emotions. Activity 1: Explore different art styles.
Activity 2: Use the local area as a stimulus to create a piece of art.
Activity 3: Discuss their art piece and what it represents.
Conclude by summarizing the role of visual arts in society and how it can be used to express ideas about a place. Assess the art pieces created and the children's understanding of visual arts.