Lesson 1: Introduction to Sojourner Truth
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Picture of Sojourner Truth, map of the United States

Introduction: Show a picture of Sojourner Truth and ask students if they know who she is. Explain that she was a historical figure known for her activism.

Development: Discuss where and when Sojourner Truth lived, and what she was famous for. Use the map to show students where she lived.

Conclusion: Recap the key points about Sojourner Truth and her significance.

Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture of Sojourner Truth and write one fact about her.
Lesson 2: Contributions of Sojourner Truth
Time Allocation: 50 minutes
Resources Needed: Books or articles about Sojourner Truth, writing materials

Introduction: Review what students know about Sojourner Truth. Introduce the concept of contributions to society.

Development: Explore Sojourner Truth's contributions to society and culture. Discuss her work as an abolitionist and women's rights activist.

Conclusion: Reflect on the impact Sojourner Truth had on her time and how her work has influenced the world.

Assessment: Have students write a short paragraph about why they think Sojourner Truth's work was important.
Lesson 3: Connecting Sojourner Truth to Your Life
Time Allocation: 40 minutes
Resources Needed: Paper, markers, brainstorming chart

Introduction: Discuss how historical figures can still be relevant today. Introduce the idea of connecting Sojourner Truth to students' lives.

Development: Brainstorm ways in which Sojourner Truth's values and actions can be applied to students' own lives.

Conclusion: Share and discuss the connections students made between Sojourner Truth and their own lives.

Assessment: Have students create a poster showing how they can embody Sojourner Truth's values in their daily lives.
Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Sojourner Truth's Life
Time Allocation: 50 minutes
Resources Needed: Timeline template, pictures of key events in Sojourner Truth's life

Introduction: Explain the concept of a timeline and its importance in understanding historical figures. Show examples of timelines.

Development: Guide students in creating a timeline of Sojourner Truth's life, including key events and dates.

Conclusion: Have students present their timelines and discuss the significance of each event in Sojourner Truth's life.

Assessment: Assess students' timelines based on accuracy and inclusion of key events.