Lesson 1: History of Slane Co. Meath ```
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Books about local history, Internet access Introduce the history of Slane and discuss the meaning and history behind the name 'Slane' 1. Reading and discussion about the history of Slane 2. Internet research about the meaning and history of the name 'Slane' 3. Group project to create a timeline of Slane's history Recap the key points from the lesson and answer any questions Group presentations of timelines, individual written assignments on the meaning and history of the name 'Slane'
``` Lesson 2: Notable Person from the Area ```
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Books about the person, Internet access Introduce the notable person from the area - Francis Ledwidge, a war poet 1. Reading and discussion about Francis Ledwidge 2. Watching a documentary or reading articles about him 3. Writing a short biography of Francis Ledwidge Recap the key points from the lesson and answer any questions Presentations of biographies, quiz on Francis Ledwidge's life and work
``` Lesson 3: Natural Geography of Slane ```
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Books about local geography, Internet access Introduce the natural geography of Slane, such as the River Boyne 1. Reading and discussion about the natural geography of Slane 2. Internet research about the River Boyne 3. Group project to create a map of Slane's natural features Recap the key points from the lesson and answer any questions Group presentations of maps, individual written assignments on the River Boyne
``` Lesson 4: Mapping Skills ```
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Maps of Slane, Mapping tools (rulers, compasses), Internet access Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance 1. Reading and discussion about maps and mapping 2. Practice using mapping tools 3. Group project to create a detailed map of Slane Recap the key points from the lesson and answer any questions Group presentations of maps, individual written assignments on the importance of mapping
``` Lesson 5: Biodiversity and Protection ```
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Books about local biodiversity, Internet access Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance 1. Reading and discussion about local biodiversity 2. Internet research about how to protect local biodiversity 3. Group project to create a plan for protecting local biodiversity Recap the key points from the lesson and answer any questions Group presentations of plans, individual written assignments on local biodiversity and its protection
``` Lesson 6: Visual Arts Inspired by Slane ```
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Art supplies, Images of Slane Introduce the idea of using the local area as inspiration for art 1. Discussion and observation of images of Slane 2. Practice sketching or painting images of Slane 3. Create a final piece of art inspired by Slane Recap the key points from the lesson and answer any questions Display of final art pieces, individual reflection on the process and inspiration