| **Lesson 1: The Story of Shogatsu** | | --- | --- | | **Time Allocation** | 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed** | Storybook on Shogatsu, pictures of Shinto shrines | | **Introduction** | Begin by discussing the concept of New Year celebrations. Introduce Shogatsu as a significant celebration in Shintoism. | | **Development** | Read the story of Shogatsu to the students, highlighting its roots and history. Discuss the key events and traditions associated with Shogatsu. | | **Conclusion** | Encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts on the story of Shogatsu. Emphasize the importance of understanding different cultural celebrations. | | **Assessment** | Ask students to draw a picture depicting a scene from the story of Shogatsu. | | **Lesson 2: Symbols and Traditions of Shogatsu** | | --- | --- | | **Time Allocation** | 60 minutes | | **Resources Needed** | Craft materials (paper, markers, scissors), visuals of traditional Shogatsu symbols | | **Introduction** | Show pictures of traditional Shogatsu symbols and ask students to identify them. Discuss the significance of these symbols in Shintoism. | | **Development** | Guide students in creating their own traditional Shogatsu decoration or symbol using craft materials. Encourage creativity and explain the meaning behind each symbol. | | **Conclusion** | Have students present their creations and explain the symbolism behind them. Discuss how symbols are used in celebrations to convey deeper meanings. | | **Assessment** | Assess students based on their understanding of the symbols and their ability to create a meaningful representation. | | **Lesson 3: Connecting Shogatsu to Daily Life** | | --- | --- | | **Time Allocation** | 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed** | Worksheet on comparing Shogatsu traditions with their own New Year celebrations | | **Introduction** | Discuss how different cultures celebrate the New Year. Ask students to share their own New Year traditions. | | **Development** | Distribute the worksheet and guide students in comparing and contrasting Shogatsu traditions with their own New Year celebrations. Encourage discussion on similarities and differences. | | **Conclusion** | Have students present their findings and reflect on the connections between Shogatsu and their daily lives. Emphasize the importance of respecting and learning from diverse traditions. | | **Assessment** | Evaluate students based on the depth of their reflections and their ability to make meaningful connections between Shogatsu and their own experiences. | | **Lesson 4: Exploring Shogatsu Concepts** | | --- | --- | | **Time Allocation** | 60 minutes | | **Resources Needed** | Interactive presentation on Shogatsu concepts, props for role-play | | **Introduction** | Introduce key concepts associated with Shogatsu, such as purification rituals and ancestor worship. | | **Development** | Engage students in a role-play activity where they act out different Shogatsu traditions and concepts. Facilitate discussions on the meanings behind each concept. | | **Conclusion** | Reflect on the role-play activity and discuss the significance of the concepts explored. Encourage students to think critically about the cultural significance of Shogatsu. | | **Assessment** | Assess students based on their participation in the role-play and their understanding of the concepts portrayed. | | **Lesson 5: Shogatsu Art and Craft** | | --- | --- | | **Time Allocation** | 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed** | Art supplies (paper, paint, brushes), reference images of Shogatsu decorations | | **Introduction** | Show examples of traditional Shogatsu decorations and discuss their artistic elements. | | **Development** | Guide students in creating their own Shogatsu-inspired artwork using the art supplies provided. Encourage experimentation and creativity. | | **Conclusion** | Have students showcase their artwork and explain the inspiration behind their designs. Discuss the role of art in cultural celebrations. | | **Assessment** | Evaluate students based on the creativity and thoughtfulness of their artwork, as well as their ability to express the cultural significance of Shogatsu. | | **Lesson 6: Shogatsu Reflection and Discussion** | | --- | --- | | **Time Allocation** | 30 minutes | | **Resources Needed** | Reflection journal, discussion prompts on Shogatsu | | **Introduction** | Ask students to reflect on what they have learned about Shogatsu so far and jot down their thoughts in their reflection journal. | | **Development** | Facilitate a group discussion using the provided prompts to encourage students to share their reflections on Shogatsu. Encourage respectful listening and thoughtful responses. | | **Conclusion** | Wrap up the discussion by summarizing the key points shared by students and highlighting the importance of learning about different cultural traditions. | | **Assessment** | Assess students based on their participation in the discussion and the depth of their reflections in their journals. |