Lesson 1
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Picture of Shirin Ebadi, world map
Introduction: Introduce Shirin Ebadi and explain objectives.
Development: Show picture of Shirin Ebadi, locate Iran on the world map, discuss her life and achievements.
Conclusion: Recap key points about Shirin Ebadi.
Assessment: Ask students to write one fact they learned about Shirin Ebadi.
Lesson 2
Time Allocation: 50 minutes
Resources Needed: Videos of Shirin Ebadi's speeches, paper, markers
Introduction: Recap previous lesson and discuss contributions of Shirin Ebadi.
Development: Watch videos of Shirin Ebadi's speeches, discuss her impact on society and culture.
Conclusion: Have a class discussion on how Shirin Ebadi's work has influenced the world.
Assessment: Ask students to draw one way they can contribute positively to society.
Lesson 3
Time Allocation: 40 minutes
Resources Needed: Reflection worksheets, pencils
Introduction: Ask students to reflect on Shirin Ebadi's work.
Development: Discuss how students can apply Shirin Ebadi's values in their own lives.
Conclusion: Have students share their reflections with the class.
Assessment: Review students' reflections and provide feedback.
Lesson 4
Time Allocation: 55 minutes
Resources Needed: Timeline template, markers
Introduction: Introduce the concept of timelines and explain the task.
Development: Have students research and create a timeline of Shirin Ebadi's life.
Conclusion: Present timelines to the class and discuss key events.
Assessment: Evaluate timelines based on accuracy and creativity.