Here's an example of lesson 1: ```
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Books and online resources about the history of Shanahoe, a projector for visual presentation. Begin by discussing what history is and why it is important. Introduce Shanahoe and its historical significance. Activity 1: Show a short presentation about the history of Shanahoe. Activity 2: Divide the children into groups and have them research specific periods in Shanahoe's history. Activity 3: Each group presents what they've learned to the class. Summarize the main points from each group's presentation and reinforce the importance of history in understanding our present. Assess the children based on their group work and presentation. Ask questions to gauge their understanding of the topic.
``` Please note that this is just an example for the first lesson. You can follow the similar structure for other lessons. The specific details (such as the history, geography, notable person, biodiversity, etc.) will depend on the specific characteristics of Shanahoe. Therefore, you would need to do some research to fill in those details.