Welcome to Shanahoe

Shanahoe is a little townland in the county of Laois, Ireland. Did you know 'Shanahoe' means "old fort" in Irish? Isn't that interesting? Long ago, this place was home to many ancient Irish families.

One of the most notable events in Shanahoe's history happened in the 1800s. An important man named Thomas Lalor Cooke was born. He became a famous writer and politician. He loved his hometown and often wrote about it.

Shanahoe is also known for its lovely landscapes. There are pretty green fields, old stone walls, and a beautiful church that was built in 1832. That's almost 200 years ago!

Although it's a small place, Shanahoe has a big heart. It has a great community spirit, and people often come together for fun events and activities.

So, even though there are no battles or fairy tales about Shanahoe, it's a place full of history and charm. And who knows? Maybe one day you could visit Shanahoe and make some history of your own!

  1. What does 'Shanahoe' mean in Irish?
  2. Who was Thomas Lalor Cooke and why was he important?
  3. Describe the landscapes of Shanahoe.
  4. What does it mean when we say Shanahoe has a "big heart"?
  5. If you were to visit Shanahoe, what kind of history would you want to make?

All About Shanahoe

Shanahoe, in County Laois, is a small, exciting village in Ireland. It's like a pretty picture with green fields all around and friendly people. Imagine the most beautiful painting of a village, Shanahoe is just like that!

In Shanahoe, you can find the River Erkina flowing gently. It's a fun river where you can spot ducks and fishes. Sometimes, you might even see a heron standing tall at the water's edge! The river is like a silver ribbon winding its way through the countryside.

This area is also home to some really cool plants and animals. In the fields, you might spot rabbits hopping around and birds singing in the trees. There are lots of trees such as ash, oak, and hawthorn. In spring, the hawthorn trees bloom with beautiful white flowers which smell so sweet.

One of the main streets in Shanahoe is called the School Road. Why, you ask? Because it leads to the local primary school! There's a lovely playground with swings and slides where children play after school. So, if you visit Shanahoe, don't forget to bring your sense of adventure!

  1. What are some of the animals and plants you might find in the fields around Shanahoe?
  2. Describe the River Erkina. What kind of creatures might you see there?
  3. Why do you think one of the main streets is called the School Road?
  4. Using a map, can you find the route of the River Erkina as it winds its way through Shanahoe?
  5. Explore the area around Shanahoe, either in person or using online tools. Can you find something of geographical interest that wasn't mentioned in the article?

My Family and Shanahoe

Hi, I'm Jamie and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Shanahoe in Co. Laois. It's so cool because there's lots of neat things to do here. One of my favourite places is the big playground. It has a slide, swings, and even a climbing frame! Sometimes, I go there with my friends after school.

Another amazing place is the lake. It's super pretty, especially in the evening when the sun is setting. We often have picnics there with my family on sunny days. I love feeding the ducks too, but my mom says not to give them bread because it's not good for them.

Did you know we have an old church here too? It's called the Old Kyle Church. It's really old and a bit scary, but also very interesting. I once saw a squirrel there!

I love living in Shanahoe because it's peaceful and there are lots of fun places to explore. I can't wait to grow up here and see more!

  1. Can you name three places that Jamie likes in Shanahoe?
  2. Why does Jamie enjoy going to the lake?
  3. What does Jamie do at the playground?
  4. What is special about the Old Kyle Church?
  5. What does Jamie's story tell us about life in Shanahoe?

The Logainm of Shanahoe

Shanahoe is a small village in County Laois, Ireland. The name Shanahoe comes from the Irish name "Seanadh Eoch", which means "old horse ford". A ford is a shallow place in a river or stream where it's safe to cross. In the old times, people used this place to help their horses cross the river.

Legend says that a long time ago, a very important horse had to cross the river here. This horse belonged to a famous Irish hero called Fionn mac Cumhaill. Fionn and his horse were on a great adventure when they came to the river. The horse was able to cross safely at this ford, and since then, the place has been known as Shanahoe, or "old horse ford".

Today, Shanahoe is still a charming village. People live, work, and go to school in Shanahoe, just like you do in your town. And who knows, maybe there are still horses crossing the river at the old ford!

  1. What does Shanahoe mean in English?
  2. What is a ford?
  3. Who was Fionn mac Cumhaill?
  4. Why is the village called Shanahoe?
  5. What do you imagine it would be like to live in Shanahoe today?

Slideshow - Shanahoe
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Shanahoe