Lesson 1
Objective 1
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Story of Seijin No Hi handout
Introduction: Introduce Seijin No Hi as a celebration in Shintoism for young adults.
Development: Read and discuss the story of Seijin No Hi with the class.
Conclusion: Summarize the key points of the story and its significance in Shintoism.
Assessment: Ask students to retell the story in their own words.
Lesson 2
Objective 2
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Symbols and Traditions of Seijin No Hi poster
Introduction: Display the poster and introduce the symbols and traditions of Seijin No Hi.
Development: Discuss each symbol and tradition, allowing students to ask questions.
Conclusion: Have students create their own symbolic representation of Seijin No Hi.
Assessment: Evaluate student-created symbols for understanding.
Lesson 3
Objective 3
Time Allocation: 50 minutes
Resources Needed: Comparison chart handout
Introduction: Discuss how Seijin No Hi connects to the students' lives.
Development: Fill out the comparison chart comparing Seijin No Hi with a significant event in students' lives.
Conclusion: Share comparisons and discuss similarities/differences.
Assessment: Review students' completed charts for understanding.
Lesson 4
Objective 4
Time Allocation: 55 minutes
Resources Needed: Concept exploration cards
Introduction: Introduce key concepts of Seijin No Hi.
Development: Have students draw a concept card and explain its significance.
Conclusion: Discuss the various concepts explored and their importance.
Assessment: Evaluate student explanations for understanding.
Lesson 5
Objective 1, 2
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Craft materials for creating traditional Seijin No Hi decorations
Introduction: Explain the significance of decorations in Seijin No Hi.
Development: Guide students in creating their own traditional Seijin No Hi decorations.
Conclusion: Display and discuss the decorations made by the class.
Assessment: Evaluate students' decorations for creativity and adherence to tradition.
Lesson 6
Objective 3, 4
Time Allocation: 50 minutes
Resources Needed: Reflection journal sheets
Introduction: Have students reflect on how Seijin No Hi concepts relate to their own lives.
Development: Allow time for students to write and draw in their reflection journals.
Conclusion: Share and discuss some students' reflections with the class.
Assessment: Review students' reflection journals for personal connections and understanding.