Welcome to Seaveagh

Seaveagh is a small but mighty townland in County Monaghan, Ireland. You might be thinking, "What's a townland?" Well, a townland is a small area of land, a bit like the neighborhood you live in!

Now, let's travel back in time. Hundreds of years ago, Seaveagh was part of an ancient kingdom called "Airgíalla". Sounds like a fairy tale, doesn't it? It was a place filled with brave warriors, wise kings, and mysterious druids!

Seaveagh may not have been the center of any big battles or famous events, but that doesn't make it any less special. Every piece of land has its own story to tell, and Seaveagh's story is one of peace and farming. Over the centuries, families have lived here, planting crops, raising animals, and enjoying the beautiful Irish countryside.

Even though Seaveagh might seem like a quiet place, remember that every tree, every stone, and every patch of grass has seen hundreds of years of history. So, next time you visit a place like Seaveagh, take a moment to imagine all the stories it could tell.

  1. What is a townland?
  2. What ancient kingdom was Seaveagh a part of?
  3. What activities have families done in Seaveagh over the centuries?
  4. Why do you think the author said Seaveagh's story is one of peace and farming?
  5. If you could visit Seaveagh, what kind of stories do you think you might hear?

All About Seaveagh

Seaveagh Co. Monaghan is an amazing place in Ireland, full of beautiful sights and sounds for us to explore! It's a bit like a secret garden, with lots of exciting things to discover.

One special thing about Seaveagh is the lush green landscape. It's filled with a variety of plants and animals. If you're lucky, you might spot a swift fox or hear the cheerful tweets of the red-breasted robin.

There are not many notable streets, but the local roads lead to charming farms and homely cottages. You can often see beautiful flowers in the gardens, like roses and daisies, that paint the area in a rainbow of colors.

Seaveagh doesn't have high mountains or large rivers, but it does have several small hills and streams that make it a fun place for an outdoor adventure. You might even find a friendly frog or a sparkling stone near the water!

One of the special things you'd see in Seaveagh are the old stone walls. They're like a piece of history that you can touch. Remember, they're not just walls, but also homes for little creatures like bugs and birds. Isn't that cool?

So, that's a little bit about the lovely Seaveagh Co. Monaghan. Isn't it wonderful to learn about new places?.

  1. What are some of the plants and animals you might find in Seaveagh?
  2. Describe the houses and gardens you might see when traveling through the local roads of Seaveagh.
  3. What kind of geographical features does Seaveagh have? Are there any mountains or rivers?
  4. What is special about the old stone walls in Seaveagh?
  5. Using a map of Seaveagh Co. Monaghan, can you identify a place of geographical interest you'd like to explore? Describe what you might find there.

My Family and Seaveagh

Hi, I'm Morgan and I'm 8 years old! I live in Seaveagh Co. Monaghan. It's a really cool place! There's lots of fun stuff to do here.

We have a big park called Rossmore Park. It's full of trees and squirrels. I like to go there with my friends to play hide and seek. There's also a really old castle there. It's spooky, but I like to imagine I'm a knight defending it from dragons.

There's also the Monaghan County Museum. It's full of old things from a long time ago. I like to look at the old toys and imagine what it was like to be a kid back then. It makes me feel like I'm part of history!

But my favourite place is my school. I have lots of friends there and we learn lots of cool stuff. Plus, my teacher, Miss O'Reilly is really nice. She says we're the future of Seaveagh. That makes me feel really important!

  1. Who is Miss O'Reilly?
  2. What are some of the things Morgan likes to do at Rossmore Park?
  3. What is the Monaghan County Museum?
  4. Why does Morgan like to look at the old toys in the museum?
  5. What makes Morgan feel really important?

The Logainm of Seaveagh

Seaveagh, a place in County Monaghan, Ireland, has an interesting name. In Irish, it's called Séibh Each. This name is made of two parts. "Séibh" means mild or gentle, and "Each" means horse. So, Seaveagh means 'the place of the mild horse'. This name might have come from a long time ago when Ireland was full of wild horses.

Historians believe that maybe there was a very famous or special horse in this area a long time ago. This horse could have been known for its gentle and kind nature, and so the place was named after it. Other people think that the land here was so good, it was as mild and pleasant as a gentle horse for the people living and farming here.

Nowadays, Seaveagh is still a peaceful and pleasant place. It's like the gentle horse it was named after. The people who live here work hard to keep it this way and to remember the history of their home.

  1. What does the name Seaveagh mean in English?
  2. What are the two parts of the Irish name Séibh Each and what do they mean?
  3. Why do historians think Seaveagh might have been named after a horse?
  4. What is another theory about why the place is called Seaveagh?
  5. How do the people of Seaveagh today link to its name's history?

Slideshow - Seaveagh
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Seaveagh