Welcome to Seapoint

Seapoint is a special place in Dublin, Ireland. Many years ago, it was all grassy fields and farms, but now it's a busy townland filled with homes, schools, and parks. But guess what? Seapoint is not just any ordinary town; it has a great story to share!

Back in the olden days, around the 1800s, Seapoint was famous for its lovely sandy beach. People from all over Dublin would come here to enjoy a day by the sea. It was so popular that in 1846, they built a special railway line just to bring people to Seapoint. Can you imagine that? A train ride to the beach!

Also, Seapoint has a historical swimming spot called the Seapoint Martello Tower. This round stone tower was built long ago to watch out for enemies coming from the sea. Today, it stands tall reminding us of the olden times.

Seapoint has seen a lot of changes over the years, but it still has a charming, friendly atmosphere. It's a place where history meets the sea, making it a magical spot in Dublin. So, the next time you visit Seapoint, remember, you're stepping into a place with a rich, exciting past!

  1. What was Seapoint famous for in the 1800s?
  2. What was the special thing built in 1846?
  3. What is the Seapoint Martello Tower?
  4. How has Seapoint changed over the years?
  5. Why do you think Seapoint is described as a magical spot?

All About Seapoint

Seapoint in County Dublin is a beautiful, fun place to explore! It's located right beside the sea, giving it a cool, breezy atmosphere. It's known for its great Seapoint Beach where lots of people like to swim and have fun. The beach has a Martello tower, a type of fortress built long, long ago!

One of the most famous streets near Seapoint is Monkstown Road, filled with interesting shops and tasty restaurants. There is also a cool street called Seapoint Avenue leading you straight to the sea!

In Seapoint, you can find all sorts of plants, birds, and animals. Seagulls love to gather near the beach, and you might spot some playful dogs running around too. If you look closely, you might see some squirrels or badgers in the green areas!

There are no big rivers or mountains in Seapoint, but the sea's waves can be just as exciting! And an interesting thing is that there are fancy benches and lampposts all around, making it a lovely place for a walk.

So, Seapoint is a fantastic place to play and learn, with its beach, animals, and beautiful streets!.

  1. What is the Martello tower at Seapoint beach and why is it of geographical significance?
  2. What types of animals and plants can you find in Seapoint? Give examples.
  3. Using a map, can you trace the route from Monkstown Road to Seapoint Avenue?
  4. Based on the geographical features mentioned in the text, why do you think Seapoint is a popular place for people to visit?
  5. Explore the area of Seapoint yourself. Can you find a geographical feature, not mentioned in the text, that you find interesting? Describe it.

My Family and Seapoint

Hi there! I'm Emery and I'm 8 years old. I live in Seapoint, Co. Dublin. I love it here. Do you want to know why? Well, let me tell you!

Firstly, there's the Seapoint beach, right on my doorstep. It's so much fun to play on the sand and build castles. My friends and I have even found cool seashells sometimes. And you know what? Seapoint also has the best ice cream shop. It's called Teddy's and it's yum!

Then, there's the Martello Tower, it's a really old building that was used to protect the city a long time ago. Now, it's a museum and I love going there to learn about its history. It's like a giant storybook!

Living in Seapoint is great because I can see the Dublin mountains from my window. They look like big sleeping giants. Sometimes, my family and I go hiking there. It's a bit tiring but the view from the top is amazing!

So, that's all about me and my life in Seapoint. It's a really cool place to grow up. Hope you enjoyed reading about it!

  1. What is Emery's favourite place to play in Seapoint?
  2. What is special about Teddy's according to Emery?
  3. What did Emery say about the Martello Tower?
  4. How does Emery describe the Dublin mountains?
  5. Why does Emery think Seapoint is a cool place to grow up?

The Logainm of Seapoint

Seapoint is a special place in County Dublin, Ireland. Its name is similar to a puzzle because it tells us something about this place. In Irish, Seapoint is called "Rinn na Mara," which means "Point of the Sea." Imagine standing on a beach, looking out at the sea. That's what this name is all about! It's called that because Seapoint sticks out into the sea like the point of a pencil.

Long, long ago, Irish people used their language to name places. They looked at the land, the water, the animals, and even the stories they told each other to come up with names. Seapoint was named this way because of its location by the sea. Today, many people still use this old, traditional name. So, when you say "Rinn na Mara," you're speaking a bit of the Irish language, and connecting with a part of history that goes back hundreds of years!

Nowadays, Seapoint is known for its beautiful beach where people like to swim in the summer. It's also a place where people go for walks all year round. Even though we live in modern times, the name Seapoint reminds us of the past. It's a link between the old times and the new, which is pretty cool!

  1. What does Rinn na Mara mean in English?
  2. Why do you think Seapoint was named after its location by the sea?
  3. How does the name Seapoint connect us to the past?
  4. What is Seapoint known for today?
  5. How does the name Seapoint act as a link between the old times and the new?

Slideshow - Seapoint
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Seapoint