Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell

Scott O'Dell was a famous author who wrote exciting books for kids. He loved the ocean and many of his stories were about the sea and adventurous journeys. One of his most famous books is called "Island of the Blue Dolphins," which is about a girl named Karana who lives alone on an island and befriends animals. Scott O'Dell won many awards for his books, and he inspired many children to love reading and exploring the world through his stories. He showed us that we can find courage and strength in nature and in ourselves.

  1. Who is the author of the book "Island of the Blue Dolphins"?
  2. What is the book about?
  3. Why do you think Scott O'Dell's stories are popular among children?
  4. How do you think Karana found courage to live alone on the island?
  5. If you were in Karana's situation, what would you do to survive on the island?

Island of the Blue Dolphins

Have you ever heard of the book "Island of the Blue Dolphins" by Scott O'Dell? It's a fascinating story about a young girl named Karana who gets left behind on an island and has to learn how to survive all on her own. The book takes you on an adventure as you follow Karana's journey of courage, resilience, and survival.

  1. Why was Karana left alone on the island?
  2. How did Karana learn to make weapons for hunting?
  3. What animals did Karana befriend on the island?
  4. Why did Karana decide to build a new home for herself?
  5. What do you think are some of the qualities that helped Karana survive on the island?

Visit to the Birthplace of Island of the Blue Dolphins

My name is Katie and I am 8 years old. Today, I want to share with you my exciting visit to the birthplace of Scott O'Dell. His birthplace is in Los Angeles, California, in the United States. It was amazing to be in the same city where one of my favorite authors was born!

  1. First, we visited the house where Scott O'Dell was born. It was so cool to see where he grew up!
  2. After that, we went to a famous tourist attraction in Los Angeles called the Griffith Observatory. I saw the stars up close through a big telescope!
  3. Next, we explored the Hollywood Walk of Fame and saw the stars on the sidewalk with names of famous actors and actresses.
  4. Then, we visited a beautiful beach in Santa Monica, where I built sandcastles and played in the waves.
  5. Finally, we ended our day with a delicious dinner at a restaurant in the city.
  1. What is the name of the city where Scott O'Dell was born?
  2. Describe one tourist attraction you visited in Los Angeles.
  3. Who is Scott O'Dell?
  4. What did you see through the telescope at the Griffith Observatory?
  5. What did you do at the beach in Santa Monica?

Your Turn!

After reading Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell, how about creating your own piece of writing based on the book? Perhaps you may prefer to write a book review of the book instead? Another idea might be to give a summary of the book or create a picture that summarises the book. Perhaps you could redesign the book cover? Whatever you or your teacher decides you try and do, good luck!

Slideshow - Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
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