Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: Who is Scott Joplin? 45 minutes Whiteboard, marker, photos of Scott Joplin, map of the USA, computer/tablet Introduce Scott Joplin with a picture and ask the children if they have heard of him. Show on a map where he lived. Discuss his birth in Texas and his move to Missouri. Explain he is famous for Ragtime music. Play a short clip of "The Entertainer." Recap key points: birthplace, why he is famous. Ask children to share one fact they learned. Children write a short paragraph about who Scott Joplin is.
Lesson 2: Contributions to Society and Culture 45 minutes Audio clips of Joplin's music, worksheet with questions, pencils Play another clip of Joplin's music. Ask children what they think of it. Discuss how his music was part of the Ragtime genre and its popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Explain how it influenced jazz and modern music. Discuss the impact of his music on society and how it brought joy during tough times. Children complete a worksheet with questions about Joplin's contributions and impacts.
Lesson 3: The Impact of Scott Joplin 60 minutes Poster board, markers, printed images of Joplin and his works, glue Briefly review what was learned in the previous lessons. Ask why they think Joplin's music was important. Children work in groups to create a poster showing Joplin's impact on music and culture. Each group presents their poster to the class. Evaluate posters and presentations based on understanding of Joplin's impact.
Lesson 4: Connecting Joplin to Our Lives 45 minutes Paper, pencils, audio player Play a modern song influenced by Ragtime. Ask children if they can hear any similarities to Joplin's music. Discuss how music from the past influences music today. Ask children if they have any favorite songs that might have been influenced by earlier music styles. Children write a short piece about a song they like and how it connects to what they have learned about Joplin. Collect and review the written pieces for understanding of connections.
Lesson 5: Designing a Timeline 60 minutes Timeline template, printed dates and events from Joplin's life, scissors, glue Show a sample timeline and explain its purpose. Distribute timeline templates and printed events. Children cut out and arrange events in chronological order on their timelines. Children share their timelines with a partner and discuss any differences. Check timelines for accuracy and completeness.
Lesson 6: Presentation Day 60 minutes Completed posters, timelines, access to a computer/tablet Explain that today is about sharing what they have learned. Children present their posters and timelines to the class. Allow time for questions and answers. Summarize the key points from all presentations. Highlight the importance of Joplin's contributions to music and culture. Assess presentations based on content, understanding, and presentation skills.