Welcome to Scartaglin

Scartaglin, often known as "Scart", is a charming little townland found in the beautiful County Kerry, Ireland. It's like a tiny piece in a big, colourful puzzle that makes up our lovely country.

Now, let's take a magical journey back in time. Imagine, hundreds of years ago, this place was bustling with activity. The people of Scart worked in farming, taking care of animals and growing crops. They lived in simple houses, built from stones and thatched roofs. Their lives were simple but full of hard work.

One special thing about Scartaglin is its rich musical history. Traditional Irish music has been played here for many, many years, just like in a never-ending party! The World Fiddle Day Scartaglin festival started here, where talented musicians come to play the fiddle and celebrate this fun tradition.

Even though Scartaglin might not have big castles or famous battles in its history, it's a place where people have lived, worked, and played music for generations. Each day in Scartaglin is a piece of history, and every person there is a part of its story.

  1. What is Scartaglin often referred to as?
  2. What type of work did the people of Scartaglin do hundreds of years ago?
  3. What is one special thing about Scartaglin's history?
  4. Why do you think the author described Scartaglin as a 'tiny piece in a big, colourful puzzle'?
  5. What do you think makes Scartaglin a unique place compared to other townlands in Ireland?

All About Scartaglin

Wow, Scartaglin in County Kerry, Ireland, is such an exciting place! It's a small village but filled with lots of wonders that make it special. One of the best things about Scartaglin is its beautiful natural surroundings. It's nestled in the Irish countryside, with rolling green hills and plenty of sheep grazing.

This area is known for its lush greenery and diverse flora. Beautiful flowers like buttercups, clovers, and daisies grow in the fields. And can you imagine? There are also lots of animals around! You can see foxes, badgers, rabbits, and various birds.

In Scartaglin, there aren't many notable streets, but the village itself is very charming. You can visit the local school, the church, or the community center where locals often gather.

Close to Scartaglin, there's the River Maine, that's a long river winding through the countryside. It's a fantastic place for a picnic, and if you're lucky, you might see some ducks swimming by!

Mountain-wise, the Slieve Mish Mountains are not too far away. They're part of an ancient mountain range and are a sight to see! So, Scartaglin might be small, but it's full of wonders.

  1. What is the name of the river close to Scartaglin and why is it a good place for a picnic?
  2. Describe the natural surroundings of Scartaglin. What makes it special?
  3. Using a map of County Kerry, can you locate Scartaglin and the Slieve Mish Mountains? Describe the location of both.
  4. What are some of the animals you might see in Scartaglin?
  5. Explore the area of Scartaglin yourself. Can you find something of geographical interest not mentioned in the text? What is it and why did it catch your attention?

My Family and Scartaglin

Hi there! I'm Finley and I just turned 8. I live in a very cool place called Scartaglin in Co. Kerry. It's really nice here. There's a place called the Kerry Bog Village Museum, where you can see how people used to live a long time ago. I went there with my school and it was super fun. We even saw some bog ponies!

There's also a big mountain called Knocknagantee. It's really, really tall - taller than my house! Sometimes, when the weather is good, my dad and I take our binoculars and go on walks there. We see lots of birds and once we even saw a fox!

And guess what? Scartaglin is also famous for its traditional Irish music. My granny plays the fiddle in the local pub sometimes. I'm learning to play the tin whistle in school. Maybe one day, I'll play music in the pub too!

So, that's a little bit about me and where I live. Scartaglin is a small place but there's always something fun to do. I'm really lucky to grow up here!

  1. What is one fun thing Finley did at the Kerry Bog Village Museum?
  2. What is the name of the big mountain near Scartaglin?
  3. What does Finley see when they go on walks on Knocknagantee?
  4. What instrument does Finley's granny play, and where does she play it?
  5. What instrument is Finley learning to play in school?

The Logainm of Scartaglin

Scartaglin is a special place in Ireland, in the county of Kerry. The name 'Scartaglin' is an English form of the Irish name 'Scartaglen'. This name has a fun meaning - it means 'thicket of the wild cats'. This might make you picture lots of wild cats hiding in the bushes!

Long time ago, people might have named this place because they saw many wild cats around. Cats were considered wise and mysterious in old Irish stories, so the name might have been a way for people to respect them. Today, you might not see as many wild cats, but Scartaglin still keeps the name, reminding us of the times when wild cats were common in Ireland.

Nowadays, Scartaglin is known for its rich history of traditional Irish music and dance. Every year, people gather here to enjoy the World Fiddle Day Scartaglin. This festival is a celebration of music, bringing together old traditions and new friends, just like the name Scartaglin connects us with the past.

  1. What does the name 'Scartaglin' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think people long time ago might have named this place Scartaglin?
  3. What animal is mentioned in the name 'Scartaglin'?
  4. What is Scartaglin known for today?
  5. How does the name 'Scartaglin' connect us with the past?

Slideshow - Scartaglin
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Scartaglin