Welcome to Santry

Santry, a lovely townland in County Dublin, Ireland, has a lot of stories to tell! Long, long ago, even before your grandparents were born, this place used to be full of farmland. Imagine, where you now see buildings and roads, there were once cows and crops!

The very first people to live here were the Vikings. You know, the guys with horned helmets you learned about in school? They settled here more than a thousand years ago. That's older than the oldest tree you've ever seen!

But it wasn't always peaceful in Santry. In the late 1600s, during a time called the Williamite War, a big battle happened right here! It was called the Battle of Santry. As scary as it sounds, don't worry, it's all part of history now.

Over time, Santry changed from farmland to the bustling townland you know today. It has a cool park called Santry Demesne, where people love to play and relax. Just think, you're living in a place where Vikings once roamed and battles were fought! Isn't history amazing?

  1. What was Santry like long, long ago, before your grandparents were born?
  2. Who were the first people to live in Santry?
  3. What big event happened in Santry during the late 1600s?
  4. How has Santry changed over time? Give specific examples from the text.
  5. If you could ask a Viking one question about their life in Santry, what would it be and why?

All About Santry

Santry is an exciting neighbourhood in north Dublin. It's like a big, bustling playground full of interesting things to see and do! One of the coolest places is Santry Park, also known as Morton Stadium, where you can see athletes run really fast! This park also has a lovely lake where ducks love to swim. The area is full of beautiful trees and flowers, and if you're lucky, you might spot a playful squirrel or a chirpy bird.

Omni Park Shopping Centre is another famous spot. Although it's not a playground or park, it's a place where people buy things they need, like toys and clothes.

Santry also has some important roads. Swords Road is one of them. It's like the main vein of Santry, connecting it to other parts of Dublin.

Santry River, although small, is also part of our neighbourhood's charm. It flows quietly, giving a home to some small fishes. It's like our own little secret river!

Even though Santry doesn't have a mountain, it's still full of exciting places to explore. Remember, wherever you go, always respect nature and keep our neighborhood clean!.

  1. What is the name of the park in Santry where you can see athletes run?
  2. Name one thing you can buy at the Omni Park Shopping Centre.
  3. What is the name of the main road in Santry?
  4. Describe the Santry River and explain why it is important to the neighbourhood.
  5. Using a map of Dublin, can you locate Santry and draw the route of Swords Road? What other areas of Dublin does this road connect to?
  6. Plan a visit to Santry. What geographical features or landmarks would you like to see? Write a short paragraph about it.

My Family and Santry

Hi there! I'm Bailey, and I'm 8 years old. I live in Santry Co. Dublin, it's really cool! There's a huge park called Santry Park right near my house. It's big and green, and there are lots of pretty flowers and trees. I like to play soccer there with my friends. Sometimes, we even see squirrels!

Close to my house, we also have the lovely Santry River. It's not very big, but I love to watch the ducks swimming in it. They're so cute! I usually go there with my dad on weekends. We take bread to feed the ducks, but we're careful not to give them too much!

Oh, and you know what's the best part? The Omni Park Shopping Centre. It has a cinema! I love going there, especially on rainy days. We watch movies and eat popcorn. My favourite is popcorn with caramel.

So, that's a little bit about me and where I live. I think Santry is the best place in the world. I can't wait to have more adventures as I grow up!

  1. What's the name of the park near Bailey's house?
  2. What does Bailey like to do at Santry Park?
  3. Who does Bailey usually go to the Santry River with?
  4. What do Bailey and her dad do at the river?
  5. What does Bailey like to do at the Omni Park Shopping Centre?

The Logainm of Santry

Santry is a cool place in County Dublin, Ireland. Do you know what 'Santry' means? Well, it comes from the Irish word 'Seantrabh', which means 'Old tribe'. Long, long ago, there was an old tribe which was living in this area, and that's how the place got its name. Isn't that interesting?

Now, let's jump to the present day. Santry has changed a lot from the time of the old tribe, but the name has stayed the same. Today, it's a bustling area full of people, houses, shops and a big park called Santry Park. So, even though we don't have the old tribe living here anymore, we remember them every time we say the name 'Santry'.

  1. What does the name 'Santry' mean in English?
  2. Who gave Santry its name?
  3. How has Santry changed from the olden days to now?
  4. What is the big park in Santry called?
  5. Why do you think it's important to remember the old tribe when we say the name 'Santry'?

Slideshow - Santry
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Santry