Lesson 1: Exploring the Basic Geography of San Marino | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | |-----------------|------------------------------------| | 45 minutes | World map, images of San Marino | **Introduction:** Begin by showing the location of San Marino on a world map. Discuss its size, neighboring countries, and any unique geographical features. **Development:** - Explain that San Marino is a landlocked microstate surrounded by Italy. - Discuss its hilly terrain and the significance of Mount Titano. - Encourage students to ask questions and engage in a discussion about the geography of San Marino. **Conclusion:** Review key points about San Marino's geography. Ask students to summarize what they have learned. **Assessment:** Ask students to draw a simple map of San Marino, labeling its key features. Lesson 2: Identifying Facts About the Capital City San Marino | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | |-----------------|-------------------------------------| | 40 minutes | Images of San Marino, fact sheets | **Introduction:** Introduce the concept of a capital city and explain why San Marino is unique as a country with a capital city of the same name. **Development:** - Present images of San Marino and discuss its historical significance. - Provide fact sheets with information about the capital city. - Have students work in pairs to identify and share at least 3 facts about San Marino. **Conclusion:** Discuss the facts identified by the students as a group. Emphasize the importance of learning about different countries and their capitals. **Assessment:** Ask students to write a short paragraph about why they find San Marino's capital city interesting. Lesson 3: Identifying a Famous Landmark in San Marino | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | |-----------------|------------------------------------------| | 30 minutes | Images of famous landmarks in San Marino | **Introduction:** Introduce the concept of famous landmarks and discuss why they are important for a country's identity. **Development:** - Show images of famous landmarks in San Marino, such as the Three Towers of San Marino. - Explain the history and significance of the chosen landmark. - Encourage students to discuss why this landmark is important and memorable. **Conclusion:** Have students create a poster or drawing of the famous landmark, including a brief description of its significance. **Assessment:** Ask students to present their posters and explain why they chose that particular landmark. Lesson 4: Producing a Tour Guide for San Marino | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | |-----------------|-------------------------------------| | 60 minutes | Blank paper, colored pencils, maps | **Introduction:** Explain the purpose of a tour guide and discuss what information is typically included in one. **Development:** - Provide maps and images of San Marino for reference. - Divide students into small groups and assign each group a specific aspect of San Marino to research (e.g., history, culture, attractions). - Have students work together to create a tour guide for a tourist planning on visiting San Marino. **Conclusion:** Each group presents their tour guide to the class, highlighting the key attractions and interesting facts about San Marino. **Assessment:** Evaluate the tour guides based on the accuracy of information, creativity in presentation, and organization of content.