Lesson 1: Exploring the Basic Geography of Samoa
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: World map, pictures of Samoa, markers, whiteboard, colored pencils
  • Show the world map to the students and locate Samoa.
  • Show pictures of Samoa to spark curiosity and interest.
  • Ask the students what they know about Samoa's geography.
  • Explain that Samoa is an island nation located in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Discuss Samoa's neighboring countries.
  • Talk about the climate, landscape, and natural resources of Samoa.
  • Show images of the beautiful beaches, mountains, and rainforests in Samoa.
  • Ask students to summarize what they've learned about Samoa's geography.
  • Encourage students to share any interesting facts they discovered.
  • Give each student a blank map of the world and ask them to locate and label Samoa.
Lesson 2: Facts about Apia, the Capital City
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Apia, markers, whiteboard
  • Remind students about Samoa's capital city, Apia.
  • Ask students if they know any facts about Apia.
  • Show pictures of Apia's landmarks, streets, and buildings.
  • Discuss the size, population, and cultural diversity of Apia.
  • Highlight the importance of Apia as the economic and political center of Samoa.
  • Share interesting facts about Apia's history and traditions.
  • Ask students to share at least three facts they learned about Apia.
  • Encourage students to discuss why they think Apia is an important city.
  • Provide each student with a worksheet where they need to write down three facts about Apia.
Lesson 3: Famous Landmark in Samoa
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of famous landmarks in Samoa, markers, whiteboard
  • Ask students if they know any famous landmarks in Samoa.
  • Show pictures of different landmarks and ask if they recognize any.
  • Choose one famous landmark in Samoa located outside of Apia.
  • Show pictures and provide information about the landmark.
  • Discuss the cultural or historical significance of the landmark.
  • Encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts.
  • Ask students to describe the famous landmark they learned about.
  • Discuss why it might be interesting for tourists to visit.
  • Have students draw a picture or write a short paragraph about the famous landmark.
Lesson 4: Creating a Tour Guide for Samoa
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Samoa, markers, whiteboard, colored pencils, blank paper
  • Explain that the students will be creating a tour guide for tourists planning to visit Samoa.
  • Show pictures of Samoa's attractions, culture, and natural beauty.
  • Discuss the different sections that should be included in a tour guide (e.g., introduction, places to visit, local customs, food recommendations).
  • Brainstorm ideas as a class and write them on the whiteboard.
  • Assign each student a specific section to work on.
  • Provide materials for students to create their tour guide pages.
  • Allow students to share their tour guide pages with the class.
  • Discuss the importance of providing accurate and interesting information for tourists.
  • Assess each student's tour guide page based on creativity, content, and presentation.