Welcome to Rossan

Rossan is a little but lovely townland situated in the County of Meath, Ireland. This peaceful place is filled with lush green fields and friendly faces. Now, Rossan may seem like a regular townland with nothing much happening, but did you know it has a rich history?

Way back, Rossan was a part of an ancient kingdom called Brega. Brega was ruled by powerful kings and queens. Can you imagine kings and queens walking around Rossan like it was their very own castle? How cool is that!

Even though no big battles or historic events happened right here, Rossan's history is still very important. It shows us how people lived, worked, and played many years ago. Just like you play in your backyard, children in the old times also played in the green fields of Rossan.

The houses back then were different too, not like the ones we see today. They were often made of mud and straw! And instead of cars, people rode on horses or travelled by foot.

So, you see, every place, even a quiet townland like Rossan, has its own unique story to tell. Isn't history fascinating?

  1. What ancient kingdom was Rossan a part of?
  2. How were the houses in Rossan different from the houses we see today?
  3. How did people travel in Rossan in the old times?
  4. Why is the history of Rossan important, even though no big battles or historic events happened there?
  5. How does Rossan's history help us understand how people lived, worked, and played many years ago?

All About Rossan

Rossan Co. Meath is a magical place in Ireland, just like a scene from your favorite fairy tale! It's filled with beautiful green fields and lovely animals. Imagine wide open spaces where cows and sheep happily graze. That's Rossan for you!

Have you heard about the River Boyne? It is one of the longest rivers in Ireland and it flows right through Rossan. Imagine a shimmering blue ribbon winding its way through the countryside. That's the River Boyne!

Rossan may not have tall mountains, but it has gentle hills. Imagine rolling waves on a calm sea, but made of land. That's what the hills here look like!

The streets here are charming too. Have you ever seen a post box that's actually red? You can find those here, on the quaint streets of Rossan. And in the heart of the town, there's a beautiful old church that's been standing for hundreds of years.

As for plants, Rossan is a green paradise. You'll find lots of hedges, where birds build their nests, and trees that are perfect for climbing. And in spring, wildflowers pop up all over, making Rossan look like a colourful painting. Isn't Rossan a wonderful place to explore?

  1. What kind of animals can you find in the fields of Rossan?
  2. Describe the River Boyne and its significance to Rossan.
  3. What does the landscape of Rossan look like?
  4. If you were to visit Rossan, what geographical feature would you be most interested in seeing and why?
  5. Using a map of Ireland, can you locate Rossan Co. Meath and the River Boyne? Describe the location in relation to other major cities in Ireland.

My Family and Rossan

Hi! I'm Hayden and I'm eight years old. I live in a super cool place called Rossan, Co. Meath. It's in Ireland. I love showing people around where I live. There's a lot to see!

One of my favorite places is the Hill of Tara. It's an old and magical place with lots of history. The grown-ups say that kings used to live there a long time ago. I like to pretend that I'm a king or queen when I'm there!

I also love the Trim Castle. It's a real castle! It's huge and I like to imagine what it was like to live in it back in the olden days. The castle makes me think of knights and dragons. Maybe one day I'll find a dragon there!

One of the best things about Rossan, Co. Meath is the nature. There are so many animals and plants here. I love going on walks with my dog, Spot, and seeing what we can find. We've seen rabbits, foxes and lots of different birds!

So, that's a little bit about me and where I live. Rossan, Co. Meath is a special place and I'm lucky to call it home!

  1. What is the Hill of Tara and why is it special to Hayden?
  2. What is Hayden's imagination like when visiting the Trim Castle?
  3. What animals has Hayden seen in Rossan, Co. Meath?
  4. How does Hayden feel about their home in Rossan, Co. Meath?
  5. What does Hayden like to do with their dog, Spot?

The Logainm of Rossan

Rossan is a special place in County Meath, Ireland. The name Rossan is an old Irish word, and when we translate it to English, it means 'Little Wood'. Isn't it fun to imagine a tiny forest when we hear Rossan? Now, let's dive into its history.

Long, long ago, Rossan was covered with lots of trees, just like a little forest. That's why the people who lived there long ago named it "Little Wood". They loved their land and took care of the trees. These people were very wise and clever, just like you!

Now, in the present day, Rossan may not look like a little forest anymore, but the name has stayed the same. The people who live in Rossan today remember its history every time they say its name. They are reminded of the little forest that once was and the people who named it. This way, the past is always linked to the present.

  1. What does the name Rossan mean in English?
  2. Why do you think the people long ago named it 'Little Wood'?
  3. How does the name Rossan remind us of its history?
  4. How does the name link the past to the present?
  5. Can you think of any other place names that might have a special meaning?

Slideshow - Rossan
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Rossan