Welcome to Roosky

Roosky is a small townland in County Monaghan, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish word 'RĂºscaigh', meaning 'marsh or moor'. Isn't that interesting? This tells us that the land in Roosky was probably very wet and marshy a long time ago.

While there isn't a famous historical event that took place in Roosky, it has a rich history tied to the ordinary people who lived and worked there. Many years ago, it was a farming community where people grew their own food and raised animals. Can you imagine living on a farm and taking care of cows, sheep or chickens every day?

The houses were very different from what we see today. They were mostly small, thatched cottages made from local materials like stone and clay. There was no electricity or running water, so people used candles for light and fetched water from wells or streams.

Even though Roosky might seem like a quiet place, the people who lived there had a strong sense of community. They helped each other with farming, shared stories around the fire, and celebrated festivals together. It's a great example of how communities lived in Ireland in the past.

  1. What does the Irish word 'RĂºscaigh' mean in English?
  2. What kind of community was Roosky many years ago?
  3. What were the houses in Roosky like in the past?
  4. How did the people of Roosky show a strong sense of community?
  5. Why do you think it was important for the people of Roosky to help each other with farming and share stories around the fire?

All About Roosky

Roosky is a lovely little village in County Monaghan, Ireland. It's a fun place with lots of things to see and do. You'll find it nestled among green hills and beautiful countryside, just like a gem hiding in a treasure chest.

You wouldn't find tall mountains here, but there are lots of pretty hills and fields where cows and sheep love to graze. The River Fane flows nearby, winding its way through the landscape like a shiny ribbon. It's a great spot for fishing or just enjoying the peaceful sounds of nature.

A walk around Roosky will introduce you to some of its charming streets. You won't find big skyscrapers or giant shopping malls here, but you will see old stone houses, friendly shops and lots of trees and flowers.

Speaking of trees and flowers, Roosky is home to a variety of local flora and fauna. Bright daisies, bluebells, and buttercups dot the fields in the spring and summer. Birds like robins, sparrows, and even the occasional owl can be heard singing their songs, while rabbits and foxes might be spotted if you're super lucky and quiet.

So, if you love nature, friendly people, and peaceful countryside, Roosky is a place you should definitely visit!.

  1. What is the main type of landscape in Roosky and how does it affect the activities available there?
  2. Describe the flora and fauna you might encounter in Roosky.
  3. Using a map of Ireland, find Roosky in County Monaghan. What major cities or landmarks is it near?
  4. How does the River Fane contribute to the geography and lifestyle of Roosky?
  5. Explore the area around Roosky (via an online map or in person). Can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text? What is it and how does it contribute to the character of the area?

My Family and Roosky

Hi, I'm Bailey and I'm 8 years old! I live in a small town named Roosky, in Co. Monaghan. It's a really cool place to grow up. There's lots of fun stuff to do and see here.

One of my favourite places is the old stone bridge. It's super old and really big. I like to go there with my friends and we play games. We pretend we're explorers and the bridge is our secret hideout.

There's also this really big field with lots and lots of cows. They're funny creatures. I like to watch them from the fence. Sometimes, they even come closer and I feed them some grass. I named one of them Daisy. She's my favourite.

Every Saturday, I go to the farmer's market with my mum. There are so many different stalls selling all sorts of things. I really like the one that sells cupcakes. They're the best cupcakes I've ever had!

Living in Roosky is fun. I'm excited to grow up here. I can't wait to have more adventures and create more memories in this amazing place.

  1. Who is Bailey and where does he/she live?
  2. What is one of Bailey's favourite places in Roosky and why?
  3. What does Bailey do at the old stone bridge?
  4. What animals does Bailey like to watch and what is the name of his/her favourite?
  5. What does Bailey do every Saturday and what is his/her favourite stall at the farmer's market?

The Logainm of Roosky

Roosky is a place in County Monaghan, Ireland. 'Roosky' in English translates to 'small wood'. This name comes from the ancient times when Ireland was covered with many forests. People from long ago named it Roosky because there were lots of little woods in the area. These little woods were important because they provided shelter, food, and wood for fires. People also believed that these woods were magical places filled with fairies and spirits. Over time, the woods became smaller and smaller because people needed more land for farming and building houses. Even though there are not many woods left in Roosky today, the name reminds us of a time when little woods were a big part of people's lives.

  1. What does 'Roosky' mean in English?
  2. Why was the place named Roosky long ago?
  3. What were the little woods used for in ancient times?
  4. Why are there not many woods left in Roosky today?
  5. How does the name Roosky connect the past with the present?

Slideshow - Roosky
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Roosky