Lesson 1: Ronda Rousey - Early Life
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Ronda Rousey, whiteboard, markers
Introduction: Introduce Ronda Rousey as an inspirational woman and discuss why she is famous.
Development: Research Ronda Rousey's early life, where and when she lived. Discuss and share findings as a class.
Conclusion: Reflect on the importance of knowing about Ronda Rousey's background.
Assessment: Ask students to write a short paragraph about what they learned about Ronda Rousey's early life.
Lesson 2: Ronda Rousey - Contributions
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Videos of Ronda Rousey's fights, paper, markers
Introduction: Discuss Ronda Rousey's contributions to society and culture.
Development: Watch videos of Ronda Rousey's fights and discuss her impact on the world of sports.
Conclusion: Reflect on how Ronda Rousey has influenced the world and society.
Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture showing Ronda Rousey's contributions.
Lesson 3: Ronda Rousey - Connection to Life
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Paper, markers, reflective worksheets
Introduction: Discuss how Ronda Rousey's story can relate to the students' lives.
Development: Have students write about a time they faced a challenge and how they overcame it, relating it to Ronda Rousey's resilience.
Conclusion: Share some of the students' stories and discuss the importance of perseverance.
Assessment: Review the students' reflective worksheets for understanding.
Lesson 4: Ronda Rousey - Timeline Design
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Large paper, markers, pictures of Ronda Rousey's life events
Introduction: Introduce the concept of timelines and why they are important.
Development: Have students design a timeline of Ronda Rousey's life, including key events and achievements.
Conclusion: Present and discuss the timelines created by the students.
Assessment: Evaluate the accuracy and creativity of the timelines.